Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 279
Showing: Items 151 - 200

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Select Item Title Year Published
Kinematic modeling of multiphase solute transport in the vadose zone / 1989
Kinetic Model of Fluoride Metabolism in the Rabbit. 1976
Land disposal of hazardous wastes : proceedings of the fourth annual research symposium held at San Antonio, Texas, March 6, 7, and 8, 1978 / 1978
Large-Scale Preparation of Potassium Hydroxide-Modified Silica Gel Adsorbent. 1989
Limnological Comparison of Culturally Eutrophic Shagawa Lake and Adjacent Oligotrophic Burntside Lake, Minnesota. 1975
Long-term monitoring of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and primary production in San Francisco Bay 1985
Material changes in residential construction : proceedings of the 2000 annual meeting of the Society of Wood Science and Technology, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 18, 2000 / 2000
Material Compatibility Evaluations of HFC-245ca, HFC-245fa, HFE-125, HFC-236ea, and HFC-236fa. 1997
Mathematical Model for Calculating Electrical Conditions in Wire-Duct Electrostatic Precipitation Devices. 1976
Measurements of exhaled breath using a new portable sampling method /. 1990
Minamata / 1975
Monte Carlo Simulation of Daily Regional Sulfur Distribution: Comparison with SURE Sulfate Data and Visual Range Observations during August 1977. 1981
Movement of Mercury in Rat Submaxillary Slices. 1980
Negative Chemical Ionization Studies of Human and Food Chain Contamination with Xenobiotic Chemicals. 1980
Nitrate for biorestoration of an aquifer contaminated with jet fuel / 1991
Offsite Environmental Monitoring Report: Radiation Monitoring Around United States Nuclear Test Areas, Calendar Year 1980. 1981
OHMSETT "high seas" performance testing : MARCO Class V oil skimmer / 1978
Oil and gas field emissions survey / 1992
Onsite engineering report of the slurry-phase biological reactor for pilot-scale testing on contaminated soil / 1993
Pacific oyster breeding in British Columbia, 1976 1977
Particulate carbon, formation during combustion / 1981
Particulate Control Highlights: Advanced Concepts in Electrostatic Precipitators: Particle Charging. 1977
Particulate sampling support : 1977 annual report / 1978
Particulate sizing techniques for control device evaluation / 1975
Particulate sizing techniques for control device evaluation / 1974
Performance testing of four skimming devices / 1981
Performance testing of four skimming systems 1981
Persistence and Disappearance by Washoff and Dryfall of Methoxychlor from Soybean Foliage - A Preliminary Study. 1981
Phosphorus Removal with Aluminum Chlorohydrate. 1970
Pilot scale evaluation of biological activated carbon for the removal of THM precursors / 1982
Population characteristics of Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus / 2000
Population characteristics of Gulf Menhaden, Brevoortia patronus / 1996
Population risks from disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in geologic repositories / 1983
Potential for invasion of underground sources of drinking water through mud-plugged wells : an experimental appraisal / 1998
Potential Impacts from Marinas and Boats in Baltimore Harbor. 1991
Preliminary Analysis of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission Inventories from Three Major Urban Areas. 1993
Preliminary grazing studies with rumen-fistulated steers at selected nuclear-test sites / 1981
Proceedings : Symposium on Utilities Delivery in Arctic Regions, held March 16, 17, 18, 1976, Edmonton, Alberta 1977
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Utilization of Coastal Ecosystems Planning, Pollution and Productivity, 21-27 Nov. 1982, Rio Grande, Brazil / 1985
Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London. 1893
Proceedings Second Symposium on Utilities Delivery in Northern Regions held March 19, 20 and 21, 1979, Edmonton, Alberta : sponsored by Northern Technology Unit, Water Pollution Control Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada and Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta / 1980
Proceedings, Advances in Particle Sampling and Measurement (Daytona Beach, FL, October 1979) / 1980
Proceedings, Advances in Particle Sampling and Measurement : (Asheville, NC, May 1978) / 1979
Proceedings, Advances in Particle Sampling and Measurement : (Daytona, FL Oct 1981) / 1989
Proceedings, second Symposium on Utitlities delivery in Northern Regions held March 19, 20 and 21, 1979, Edmonton, Alberta 1980
Proceedings, third Symposium on Utilities Delivery in Cold Regions held May 25 and 26, 1982, Edmonton, Alberta : sponsored by Northern Technology Unit, Water Pollution Control Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada and Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Municipal Environment Division, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering / 1982
Process design manual for land treatment of municipal wastewater / 1981
Protocol for developing sediment TMDLs [electronic resource]. 1999
PSWIMS, a Profiling Instrument System for Remote Physical and Chemical Measurements in Shallow Water. 1993
Quantification and Molecular Characterization of 'hprt' Mutants of Human T-Lymphocytes. 1993
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