Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 78
Showing: Items 51 - 78

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Select Item Title Year Published
Oil and gas field emissions survey / 1992
Overview of In vitro Teratogenicity Testing: Aspects of Validation and Application to Screening. 1982
Partitioning of Cadmium, Copper, Lead and Zinc Among Particulate Fractions and Water in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron). 1984
Pilot scale evaluation of biological activated carbon for the removal of THM precursors / 1982
Process improvement studies on the Battelle hydrothermal coal process / 1985
Reduction of disinfection by-product precursors by nanofiltration / 1992
Report of animal investigation program activities for the Baneberry event / 1975
Respiration and Osmoregulation of the Estuarine Crab 'Rhithropanopeus harrisii' (Gould): Effects of the Herbicide, Alachlor. 1989
Responses of teleost fish to environmental stress / 1971
Sexual harassment and the federal employee 1992
Statistical analysis of abandoned mine drainage in the assessment of pollution load : (the Griffiths Report) / 2001
Substituting cadmium cyanide electroplating with zinc chloride electroplating : project summary / 1994
Substitution of Cadmium Cyanide Electroplating with Zinc Chloride Electroplating. 1994
Supervisor's guide to federal labor relations. 1994
Survey of chemical factors in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) / 1977
Teratogenic Effects of Trichloroacetonitrile in the Long-Evans Rat (Journal Version). 1988
Test firing refuse-derived fuel in an industrial coal-fired boiler / 1985
The Federal manager's guide to preventing sexual harassment / 1989
The radionuclide concentrations and botanical composition of the diet of cattle grazing the Area 18 range of the Nevada Test Site, 1966-1970 / 1972
The Total exposure assessment methodology (TEAM) study : standard operating procedures employed in support of an exposure assessment study, Volume IV / 1987
The wisdom of teams : creating the high-performance organization / 1993
Thermodynamic Performance Limit and Evaporator Design Considerations for NARM-Based Domestic Refrigerator-Freeze Systems. 1990
Tissue burdens of selected radionuclides in beef cattle on and around the Nevada Test Site / 1976
Transfection of cytochrome P450 CDNAS into mammalian cells used in mutation and transformation assays. {microfiche} 1991
Treatment of secondary effluent by infiltration-percolation / 1979
USEPA's Regional Vulnerability Assessment Program: A Research Strategy for 2001-2006. 2000
Value of Recreational Fishing on the Albemarle and Pamlico Estuaries. 1989
Wisdom of teams : creating the high-performance organization / 1994
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