Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 88
Showing: Items 51 - 88

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Select Item Title Year Published
Muskegon County Wastewater Management System : progress report, 1968 through 1975 / 1980
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program. Urban Runoff Control in Rapid City, South Dakota: Appendix A. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program. Urban Runoff Control in Rapid City, South Dakota: Final Report. 1983
Negative Chemical Ionization Studies of Human and Food Chain Contamination with Xenobiotic Chemicals. 1980
Oil and gas field emissions survey / 1992
On-site engineering report for the low-temperature thermal desorption pilot-scale test on contaminated soil / 1992
Onsite engineering report of the slurry-phase biological reactor for pilot-scale testing on contaminated soil / 1993
Operation and maintenance of hospital medical waste incinerators / 1989
Our separate ways : black and white women and the struggle for professional identity / 2001
Overview of In vitro Teratogenicity Testing: Aspects of Validation and Application to Screening. 1982
Particulate sampling support : 1977 annual report / 1978
Performance of Trickle Bed Biofilters under High Toluene Loading. 1995
PM10/PM2o5 : emissions and effects / 1998
Poaching, wildlife trafficking and security in Africa : myths and realities / 2016
Potential for invasion of underground sources of drinking water through mud-plugged wells : an experimental appraisal / 1998
Quantification and Molecular Characterization of 'hprt' Mutants of Human T-Lymphocytes. 1993
Recommendations for the National Surface Water Monitoring Program : report two / 1980
Removal of creosote from soil by thermal desorption / 1991
Report on the biological monitoring programs at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant : January - December 1995 / 1996
Response of Human Ciliated Respiratory Epithelium to Brief in vivo Ozone Exposure: An Ultrastructural Study (Journal Version). 1985
Selection of Candidate Compounds for In vitro Teratogenesis Test Validation. 1983
Sensitized fluorescence for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons / 1978
SOC (Synthetic Organic Compounds) Rejection by Nanofiltration. 1989
Sodium Chlorite Administration in Long-Evans Rats: Reproductive and Endocrine Effects. 1987
Sperm Count, Morphology and Fluorescent Body Frequency in Autopsy Service Workers Exposed to Formaldehyde. 1984
Stabilization/solidification of CERCLA and RCRA wastes : physical tests, chemical testing procedures, technology screening, and field activities. 1989
Synthesis of the rural model reviews 1983
Technical development document for the final effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the concentrated aquatic animal production point source category (revised August 2004). 2004
Temperature effects on eggs and fry of percoid fishes / 1975
Teratogenic Activity of Trichloroacetic Acid in the Rat. 1989
Teratogenic Activity of Trichloroacetic Acid in the Rat. 1989
Teratogenic Effects of Trichloroacetonitrile in the Long-Evans Rat (Journal Version). 1988
Test firing refuse-derived fuel in an industrial coal-fired boiler / 1985
The national residential radon survey design report / 2008
Thermal Requirements of the Early Life History Stages of Walleye, 'Stizostedion vitreum vitreum', and Sauger, 'Stizostedion canadense'. 1975
Trace element emissions 2000
U.S. Geological Survey second National Symposium on Water Quality : abstracts of the technical sessions, Orlando, Florida, November 12-17, 1989 / 1989
U.S. Mercury Recyclers Provide Expanded Process Capabilities. 1994
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