Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 110
Showing: Items 51 - 100

Select Item Title Year Published
Electrodialysis in Advanced Waste Treatment. 1967
Evaluation of biofilter media for treatment of air streams containing VOC's / 1993
Evaluation of the Teratogenic Effects of Tri-ortho-cresyl Phosphate in the Long-Evans Hooded Rat. 1987
Fate of halogenated compounds in the atmosphere : interim report - 1977 / 1978
Fine particle charging development / 1977
Fisheries oceanography of the northeast Chukchi Sea : final report / 1994
Followup Study of the Distribution and Fate of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Benzenes in Soil and Groundwater Samples After an Accidental Spill of Transformer Fluid. 1976
Fundamental Evaluation of an Electronic Air Cleaner. 1990
Generation of Mutagenic Transformation Products during the Irradiation of Simulated Urban Atmospheres. 1992
GIS for coastal zone management 2004
Guidelines to assessing regional vulnerabilities / 2008
Handbook : recycling and reuse of material found on superfund sites. 1994
Impact of Ozone and Sulphur Dioxide on Soybeam Yield. 1986
Impact of Ozone on Winter Wheat Yield. 1985
Inactivation of 'Campylobacter jejuni' by Chlorine and Monochloramine. 1986
Investigation of test kits for detection of lead in paint, soil and dust / 1993
Isolation or concentration of organic substances from water : an evaluation of reverse osmosis concentration / 1984
Kaneohe Bay Sewage Diversion Experiment: Perspectives on Ecosystem Responses to Nutritional Perturbation. 1981
Laboratory Test Methods of Exposure of Microbial Pest Control Agents by the Respiratory Route to Nontarget Avian Species. 1990
Land management of subsurface injected wastewater liquid residuals. 1978
Large-Scale Preparation of Potassium Hydroxide-Modified Silica Gel Adsorbent. 1989
Method 539: Determination of Hormones in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Liquid Chromatography Electrosrapy Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). 2010
Mycorrhizal symbiosis / 1997
Natural Freezing for Dewatering of Aluminum Hydroxide Sludges. 1970
Negative Chemical Ionization Studies of Human and Food Chain Contamination with Xenobiotic Chemicals. 1980
New chemical alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons and halons 1989
Oceanography and marine biology : an annual review. Volume 57 / 2019
Oil and gas field emissions survey / 1992
On-site engineering report for the low-temperature thermal desorption pilot-scale test on contaminated soil / 1992
Onsite engineering report of the slurry-phase biological reactor for pilot-scale testing on contaminated soil / 1993
Organic chemicals in sediments from the Upper James River : a progress report / 1984
Our separate ways : black and white women and the struggle for professional identity / 2001
Particulate sampling support : 1977 annual report / 1978
Persistence and Disappearance by Washoff and Dryfall of Methoxychlor from Soybean Foliage - A Preliminary Study. 1981
Polynuclear hydrocarbons in sediments and clams in the vicinity of a refinery outfall 1987
Potential for Biodegradation of Organo-Chlorine Compounds in Groundwater. 1984
Potential for invasion of underground sources of drinking water through mud-plugged wells : an experimental appraisal / 1998
Precision and accuracy assessments for state and local air monitoring networks, 1988 {microfiche} 1990
Quantification and Molecular Characterization of 'hprt' Mutants of Human T-Lymphocytes. 1993
Recommendations for the National Surface Water Monitoring Program : report two / 1980
Reduction of disinfection by-product precursors by nanofiltration / 1992
Regional ground-water evapotranspiration and ground-water budgets, Great Basin, Nevada Data sets and related information used for estimating regional ground-water evapotranspiration in Eastern Nevada ; New ground-water budgets for Nevada ; Estimating discharge of shallow groundwater by transpiration from greasewood in the northern Great Basin ; Groundwater discharge by phreatophyte shrubs in the Great Basin as related to depth to groundwater {electronic resource} 2001
Removal of creosote from soil by thermal desorption / 1991
Report on the biological monitoring programs at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant : January - December 1995 / 1996
Response of Human Ciliated Respiratory Epithelium to Brief in vivo Ozone Exposure: An Ultrastructural Study (Journal Version). 1985
Role of Quality Assurance in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory. 1986
Selective nutrient removal from secondary effluent / 1973
Sensitive Assay, Based on Hydroxy Fatty Acids from Lipopolysaccharide Lipid A, for Gram-Negative Bacteria in Sediments. 1982
SOC (Synthetic Organic Compounds) Rejection by Nanofiltration. 1989
Sperm Count, Morphology and Fluorescent Body Frequency in Autopsy Service Workers Exposed to Formaldehyde. 1984

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