Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Singh AND A AND K)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air Pollution and Control / 2018
An X-ray fluorescence survey of lead contaminated residential soils in Leadville, Colorado : a case study / 1993
Area socioeconomic variations in U.S. cancer incidence, mortality, stage, treatment, and survival, 1975-1999 2003
Characterization of mercury contamination at the East Fork Poplar Creek Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee : a case study / 1995
Conceptual design for a Gulf Coast oxidant transport and transformation experiment : workshop proceedings and recommendations / 1985
Controlled release a quantitative treatment / 1989
Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers [electronic resource] / 2011
Environment and biotechnology a new frontiers of plant pathology / 1988
Estimation of Background Levels of Contaminants. 1994
Geospatial Technologies and Climate Change [electronic resource] / 2014
Green plants and pollution : nature's technology for abating and combating environmental pollution / 2010
Hydrology and Water Resources of India [electronic resource] / 2007
Marker-Assisted Plant Breeding: Principles and Practices [electronic resource] / 2015
Mathematical models of large watershed hydrology / 2002
Mathematical models of small watershed hydrology and applications / 2002
Methodology for Measurement of Inherent Driveline Frictional Force for a Vehicle in Coasting Mode / 2009
Microbial Activity in the Rhizoshere [electronic resource] / 2006
Monitoring and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones in the Indian Ocean and Climate Change [electronic resource] / 2014
Pesticide chemistry and toxicology [electronic resource] / 2012
Pharmaceutical Suspensions From Formulation Development to Manufacturing / [electronic resource] : 2010
ProUCL Version 3.0 User Guide. 2004
ProUCL version 4.0 technical guide / 2007
ProUCL version 4.0 technical guide / 2007
ProUCL version 4.0 user guide / 2007
Scout 2008 version 1.0 user guide / 2009
Soil Health and Climate Change [electronic resource] / 2011
Technology Support Center Issue : lognormal distribution in environmental applications. / 1997
Technology Support Center Issue : some practical aspects of sample size and power computations for estimating the mean of positively skewed distributions in environmental applications. / 1999
Technology Support Center Issue: Estimation of the Exposure Point Concentration Term Using a Gamma Distribution. 2002
Toxic chemicals in the environment : a program of field measurements / 1986
Toxic chemicals in the environment: A program of field measurements 1986
Watershed models / 2006
Xray fluorescence survey of lead contaminated residential soils in Leadville, CO. : a case study. 1993

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