Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Singer AND C)

Select Item Title Year Published
A laboratory quality handbook of best practices / 2001
Advacate-Low-Cost Process for SO2 Control. 1992
Alternative oxidant and disinfectant treatment strategies for controlling trihalomethane formation : project summary / 1988
Alternative Oxidant and Disinfectant Treatment Strategies for Controlling Trihalomethane Formation. 1988
Aquifer storage recovery of treated drinking water 1996
Assessment of coal conversion wastewaters : characterization and preliminary biotreatability / 1978
Assessment of Existing Test Reports for Evaluating VOC Control Effectiveness. 1999
Chlorine Dioxide Effects on THMFP, TOXFP, and the Formation of Inorganic By-products. 1987
Correlations Among Trihalomethane (THM) and Total Organic Halide (TOX) Formation in Water Treatment Facilities. 1985
Current Status of ADVACATE Process for Flue Gas Desulfurization (Journal Article). 1992
Current Status of ADVACATE Process for Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1991
Development of exposure assessment methods for THM and HAA in water distribution systems 2001
Formation and control of disinfection by-products in drinking water / 1999
Guidelines for laboratory quality auditing 1993
Impact of ozone on the removal of particles, TOC, and THM precursors 1989
Impacts of ozonation on the formation of chlorination and chloramination by-products / 1999
Industrial Solid Waste Management Survey for Proposed District in Northwest Ohio. 1973
Modeling dissolved ozone behavior in ozone contactors 1999
Nonpoint source control guidance for silviculture / 1977
Oxygenation of ferrous iron : the rate-determining step in the formation of acidic mine drainage : final progress report / 1969
Oxygenation of ferrous iron : the rate-determining step in the formation of acidic mine drainage : final progress report / 1968
Physical separation (soil washing) for volume reduction of contaminated soils and sediments : processes and equipment / 1999
Preparation and evaluation of modified lime and silica-lime sorbents for mercury vapor emissions control / 1999
Relative dominance of haloacetic acids and trihalomethanes in treated drinking water / 2002
Simultaneous Control of Hg(o), SO2, and NOx by Novel Oxidized Calcium-Based Sorbents. 2001
SO2 scrubbing technologies : a review. 2000
Status of SO2 scrubbing technologies / 1999
Trace metals and metal-organic interactions in natural waters. 1973
Treatability and assessment of coal conversion wastewaters : phase 1 / 1979
Treatment of Wastewater from a Fixed-Bed Atmospheric Coal Gasifier. 1982

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