Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Sindermann AND Carl AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bibliography of diseases and parasites of marine fish and shellfish with emphasis on commercially important species / 1970
Coastal pollution : effects on living resources and humans / 2006
Disease diagnosis and control in North American marine aquaculture 1988
Diseases of marine fishes / 1966
Environmental quality and aquaculture systems proceedings of the thirteenth U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture, Mie, Japan, October 24-25, 1984 / 1988
Ocean pollution : effects on living resources and humans / 1996
Oxygen depletion and associated benthic mortalities in New York Bight, 1976 / 1979
Oyster mortalities, with particular reference to Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Coast of North America / 1968
Principal diseases of marine fish and shellfish 1900
Principal diseases of marine fish and shellfish / 1970
Reproduction, maturation, and seed production of cultured species proceedings of the twelfth U.S.-Japan meeting of Aquaculture, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, October 25-29, 1983 / 1987
Shell disease of crustaceans in the New York Bight / 1989
Survival strategies for new scientists 1987
Winning the games scientists play 1982
Woman scientist : meeting the challenges for a successful career / 1992

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