Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Sims AND Judith AND L)

Select Item Title Year Published
Approach to bioremediation of contaminated soil / 1990
Champion International Superfund Site, Libby, Montana field performance evaluation : field performance evaluation : bioremediation unit : in-situ bioremediation of the Upper Aquifer / 1997
Fundamentals of soil science as applicable to management of hazardous wastes / 1999
Ground water issue : reductive dehalogenation of organic contaminants in soils and ground water / 1991
In-situ bioremediation of contaminated unsaturated subsurface soils / 1993
Reductive dehalogenation of organic contaminants in soils and ground water / 1991
Waste/soil treatability studies for four complex industrial wastes : methodologies and results / 1986
Waste/soil treatability studies for four complex industrial wastes : methodologies and results. Volume 1. Literature assessment, waste/soil characterization, loading rate selection / 1986
Waste/soil treatability studies for four complex industrial wastes : methodologies and results. Volume 2. Waste loading impacts on soil degradation, transformation, and immobilization / 1986

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