Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Sherman AND J AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to Ohio streams / 2001
Agricultural conservation practices and related issues : reviews of the state of the art and research needs : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
An approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1993
An Approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1992
An evaluation of the organochromium content of sewage sludge / 1979
Background information on national and regional hydrocarbon emission from marine terminal transfer operation / 1977
Closure of a Dioxin Incineration Facility. 1991
Closure of a Dioxin Incineration Facility. 1991
Closure of hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1982
Closure of hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1980
Closure of hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1982
Data and modeling for environmental credit trading : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Environmental effects of U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
EPA Mobile Incineration System Modifications, Testing and Operations, February 1986 to June 1989. 1990
Great Lakes Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) : data report 1990-1992 / 1994
Implementing agricultural conservation practices : barriers and incentives : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Large marine ecosystems of the Indian Ocean : assessment, sustainability, and management / 1998
Manual for environmental impact evaluation 1976
Review of concentrations, chemical composition, size distribution and health effects related to inorganic inhalable particulates in Illinois 1981
The northeast shelf ecosystem : assessment, sustainability, and management / 1996

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