Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to Ohio streams / 2001
Adsorption and ion exchange separations 1978
Adsorption and ion exchange--progress and future prospects / 1984
Agricultural conservation practices and related issues : reviews of the state of the art and research needs : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
An Approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1992
An approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1993
An evaluation of the organochromium content of sewage sludge / 1979
Assessment of test cell humidity measurement and control / 1980
Atlas of tumor pathology of the Fischer rat / 1990
Background information on national and regional hydrocarbon emission from marine terminal transfer operation / 1977
Bacterial genomes and infectious diseases / 2006
Basic concepts of chemistry 1984
Brownfields : a comprehensive guide to redeveloping contaminated property / 2010
Chemical applications of spectroscopy. 1968
Chemical exposure and disease : diagnostic and investigative techniques / 1988
Chemical exposure and disease : diagnostic and investigative techniques : the professional and layperson's guide to understanding, cause and effect / 1994
Closure of a Dioxin Incineration Facility. 1991
Closure of a Dioxin Incineration Facility. 1991
Closure of hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1980
Closure of hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1982
Closure of hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1982
Criticizing the wild : tracing American, European and indigenous views of the land : an essay / 1995
Data and modeling for environmental credit trading : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Defense technology for environmental protection / 1976
Defense Technology for Environmental Protection. 1974
Defense technology for environmental protection. 1974
Defense Technology for Environmental Protection. Volume I. 1976
Defense Technology for Environmental Protection. Volume II. Bibliography. 1976
Destruction of dioxin-contaminated solids and liquids by mobile incineration / 1987
Destruction of dioxin-contaminated solids and liquids by mobile incineration / 1987
Determination of haloethers in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1981
Determination of haloethers in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1981
Determination of hazardous elements in smelter-produced sulfuric acid / 1974
Diatom population changes in Lake George (NY) : OWRR contract 14-31-0001-3387 : final report / 1972
Diatom Populations Changes in Lake George (NY). 1972
Distribution of metals in lake sediments of the Adirondack region of New York State 1975
Economic growth and fish and wildlife habitat protection : the promise of low-impact stormwater management in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region / 2004
Economics of protected areas : a new look at benefits and costs / 1990
Environmental effects of U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : [beta]-chloroethers / 1978
EPA Mobile Incineration System Modifications, Testing and Operations, February 1986 to June 1989. 1990
Establishment of operational guidelines for Texas coastal zone management : final report on water needs and residuals management / 1974
Establishment of operational guidelines for Texas coastal zone management : interim report on water needs and residuals management / 1973
Evaluation of New York state lake liming data and the application of models from Scandinavian lakes to Adirondack lakes 1988
Evaluation of on-site wastewater treatment and disposal options / 1981
Evaluation of the Beckman 951A atmospheric NOx analyzer / 1980
Fate of sulfur dioxide absorbed by foliage of coleus and bean in relation to visible injury / 1976
FIFRA : Impact on the industry / 1977
Final quality assurance report for the Tampa, Florida Wetlands study / 1991
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