Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Shepherd AND A AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
A method for calculating dispersion modeling uncertainty applied to the regulation of an emission source / 1985
Energy consumption : fuel utilization and conservation in industry / 1975
Energy consumption : paper, stone, clay, glass, concrete, and food industries / 1975
Energy consumption : the chemical industry / 1975
Energy consumption : the primary metals and petroleum industries / 1975
Environmental, economic and energy impacts of material recovery facilities : a MITE program evaluation / 1995
Evaluation of the EPA regional oxidant model for the July 2-13, 1988 ozone episode : final report / 1993
Food and Feeding of Young Finfish Species in the Lower Roanoke River, Batchelor Bay, and Western Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, 1982-1988. Volume 1. Text. Volume 2. Appendices. 1994
Food and Feeding of Young Finfish Species in the Lower Roanoke River, Batchelor Bay, and Western Albermarle Sound, North Carolina, 1982-1988. Volume 2 - Appendices. 1994
Ground water infiltration and internal sealing of sanitary sewers : Montgomery County, Ohio / 1972
Handy's kids : making every day Earth Day. 1999
Hexavalent chromium : toxicological effects and means for removal from aqueous solution / 1971
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 15, brine and evaporite chemicals industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 17, gypsum and wallboard industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 18, lime industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 19, clay industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use. Chapter 22, the phosphate rock and basic fertilizers industry / 1977
Information management in the 1980's : proceedings of the ASIS annual meeting 1977 Volume 14 : 40th annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, September 26-October 1, 1977 1977
Membrane Biotreatment of VOC-Laden Air. 2000
Membrane-Mediated Extraction and Biodegradation of VOCs from Air. 2000
Membrane-Mediated Extraction and Biodegradation of Volatile Organic Compounds From Air. 2005
Microsoft Access 2010 VBA macro programming / 2011
Nationwide Assessment of Water Quantity Impacts of the National Energy Plan. Volume I. Summary and Conclusions. 1977
Neurobiology / 1983
Particulate matter science for policy makers : a NARSTO assessment / 2004
Proceedings, Advisory Workshop on Methods for Comparing Precipitation Chemistry Data : Rensselaerville, New York, August 10-12, 1982 / 1983
Recovery and reuse of asphalt roofing waste : conversion of roofing waste to no. 6 fuel oil 1985
Species profiles life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Northwest) : steelhead trout / 1986
Spokane River basin model project / 1974
Summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass of the Middle Atlantic Bight and southern New England Waters 1994
The forest killers : the destruction of the American wilderness / 1975
The mica industry / 1977
Trends in sulfur dioxide emissions from the electric utility industry and ambient sulfur dioxide concentrations in the northeastern United States, 1975 to 1982 / 1985

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