Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 90
Showing: Items 51 - 90

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Select Item Title Year Published
Motor gasolines, summer 1969 1970
Motor gasolines, summer 1971 / 1972
Motor gasolines, summer 1974 / 1975
Motor gasolines, summer 1975 / 1976
Motor gasolines, summer 1976 / 1977
Motor gasolines, summer 1977 / 1978
Motor gasolines, summer 1978 / 1979
Motor gasolines, winter 1970-1971 / 1971
Motor gasolines, winter 1974-75 / 1975
Motor gasolines, winter 1975-76 / 1977
Motor gasolines, winter 1976-77 / 1977
Motor gasolines, winter 1977-78 / 1978
Motor gasolines, winter 1980-81 / 1981
Multispectral techniques for remote monitoring of sediment in water : a feasibility investigation / 1980
Municipal wastewater treatment by the overland flow method of land application / 1979
Mutation Spectra of Glu-P-1 in Salmonella: Induction of Hotspot Frameshifts and Site-Specific Base Substitutions. 1994
Mutation Spectrum of a Binary Mixture of Mutagens (Methapyrilene and Sodium Azide) in Strain TA1535 of Salmonella. 1994
Nature's building codes : geology and construction in Colorado / 1979
New York State barge canal system 1966
Occurrence of nitrate and pesticides in ground water beneath three agricultural land-use settings in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, 1993-1995 / 1998
Operation of Abernathy Channel for incubation of salmon eggs / 1968
Overhead remote sensing for assessment of hazardous waste sites : prepared for the Office of Solid Waste / 1984
Portable laser velocimeter for stack velocity measurements / 1972
Review of Biological Assessment Tools and Biocriteria for Streams and Rivers in New England States. 2004
Saline seeps and springs inventory ; remote sensing evaluation of salinity sources / 1984
Status of water quality in groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply in the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, 2013-15 : California GAMA Priority Basin Project / 2024
Study of exhaust emissions from 1972 through 1975 model year light-duty vehicles in Denver / 1976
Study of Exhaust Emissions from Thirty Five High Mileage 1979 Passenger Cars. 1983
Sulfur 1979
Sulfur content of crude oils of the free world / 1967
Sulfuric acid rain effects on crop yield and foliar injury / 1980
Summary of the western energy overhead monitoring project. / 1980
Survey methods for ecosystem management / 1980
Three essays on innovation and regional economic development / 2011
Trends in motor gasolines: 1942-1981 / 1982
Trends of petroleum fuels / 1985
Tulalip, from my heart : an autobiographical account of a reservation community / 2015
Water quality assessment of the San Joaquin--Tulare basins, California : analysis of available data on nutrients and suspended sediment in surface water, 1972-1990 / 1998
Water resources data for California, 1989, volume 2 Pacific slope basins from Arroyo Grande to Oregon state line except Central Valley, {microform} / 1990
Water-quality data, San Joaquin Valley, California, April 1987 to September 1988 1991
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