Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 896
Showing: Items 201 - 250

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Select Item Title Year Published
Dictionary of waste and water treatment 1981
Distribution of grasses in Texas. 2011
Distribution of selected volatile organic compounds determined with water-to-vapor diffusion samplers at the interface between ground water and surface water, Centredale Manor Site, North Providence, Rhode Island, September 1999 / 2000
Distribution of volatile organic compounds in sediments near Sutton Brook Disposal Area, Tewksbury, Massachusetts, May 2001 2002
Don't breathe the air : air pollution and U.S. environmental politics, 1945-1970 / 2000
Draft environmental impact statement appendices on Horsham - Warminster - Warrington, Pennsylvania wastewater treatment facilities / WAPORA, Inc., Berwyn, Pennsylvania. 1979
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Greeley Region Wastewater Management Program. 1976
Draft final report : review of the analytical procedures for the study of aquatic organic acids and their contribution to surface water acidity / 1984
Draft integrated review plan for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter. 2016
Dredging operation monitoring and environmental study, Kawaihae Harbor, Hawaii, 1972
Ecological characterization of the lower Everglades, Florida Bay and the Florida Keys 1982
Ecological Status and Trends Program: EPA's Approach to Monitoring Condition of the Nation's Ecosystems. 1989
Ecology of a New England salt marsh / 1974
Ecology of New England high salt marshes : a community profile / 1982
Ecology of small boat marinas 1973
Effective public relations / 2000
Effective risk and crisis communication during water security emergencies : summary report of EPA sponsored message mapping workshops / 2007
Effects of a Contaminated Dredged Material on Laboratory Populations of the Tubicolous Amphipod 'Ampelisca abdita'. 1989
Effects of application of glyphosate on cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, and adjacent native salt marsh vegetation in Padilla Bay, Washington / 1993
Effects of burn rate, wood species, moisture content, and weight of wood loaded on woodstove emissions / 1989
Effects of burn rate, wood species, moisture content, and weight of wood loaded on woodstove emissions / 1989
Effects of Contaminated Sediments on Marine Benthic Biota and Communities. 1989
Effects of exposure to heavy metals on selected freshwater fish : toxicity of copper, cadmium, chromium and lead to eggs and fry of seven fish species / 1976
Effects of exposure to heavy metals on selected freshwater fish : toxicity of copper, cadmium, chromium and lead to eggs and fry of seven fish species / 1976
Effects of Forest Insect Spraying on Trout and Aquatic Insects in Some Montana Streams : Final Report. 1958
Effects of intensive forest management on the mammal communities of selected North Carolina pocosin habitats / 1994
Effects of pollution on health, 1972
Effects of reservoir installation, San Juan-Chama Project water and reservoir operations on streamflow and water quality in the Rio Chama and Rio Grande, northern and central New Mexico, 1938-2000 / 2004
Effects of sediment holding time on sediment toxicity / 1990
Efficiency and Emissions Mapping of RCCI in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine / 2013
Electric and magnetic fields and human health : a review of the issues and the science / 1995
Electricity requirements for a digital society 2002
Elements of chemical reaction engineering 1999
Elutriator/microcosm system : pilot model and test / 1977
EMAP information management plan : 1998-2001 / 1999
EMAP information management plan, 1998-2001 / 1999
EMAP status estimation : statistical procedures and algorithms / 1994
EMAP-estuaries Virginian Province 1990 demonstration project report / 1992
EMAP-Virginian province, four year assessment 1990-1993 / 1999
Emerging issues in public policy: research reports and essays, 1960-1965; a collection of six years of Public affairs report, bulletin of the Institute of Governmental Studies. 1973
Emission test report : HCl continuous monitoring for municipal waste combustion study, Maine Energy Recovery Company, Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility, refuse-derived fuel process, Biddeford Maine / 1988
Emission test report HC1 monitoring for characterization test program : Marion County Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility, Ogden Martin Systems of Marion, Inc., Brooks, Oregon / 1988
Emissions of metals, chromium and nickel species, and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. Volume V, Site 7 test report, CEMS evaluation / 1992
Empowerment a practical guide for success / 1993
Endangered ecosystems of the United States : a preliminary assessment of loss and degradation / 1995
Energy from the West : a progress report of a technology assessment of western energy resource development : executive summary : prepared for Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency / 1977
Energy from the West: A Progress Report of a Technology Assessment of Western Energy Resource Development. Volume IV. Appendices. 1977
Energy-efficient new commercial buildings in the Northwest region : a compilation of measured data 1985
Enforcement management system : users guide / 1972
Enforcement management system : users guide / 1972
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