Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Saunders AND G)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : development of example procedures for evaluating the air impacts of soil excavation associated with Superfund remedial actions / 1990
Comparison of air stripper simulations and field performance data / 1990
Comparisons of air stripper simulations and field performance data 1990
Comparisons of air stripper simulations and field performance data 1990
Kraft pulp mill inspection guide / 1983
Laboratory fume hoods : a user's manual / 1993
Nitric acid plant inspection guide / 1985
Ozone Inhibits Prostacyclin Synthesis in Pulmonary Endothelium. 1985
Simulation of leachate generation from municipal solid waste / 1988
Simulation of leachate generation from municipal solid waste / 1987
Surface-water resources of Arkansas / 1950
Technical assistance document : recommended recordkeeping systems for air pollution control equipment, Part 1 particulate matter controls / 1987
Transportation rates and costs for selected virgin and secondary commodities / 1974
Transportation Rates and Costs for Selected Virgin and Secondary Commodities. 1974
Water quality in open pit precious metal mines : final report / 1994
Waterfowl ecology and management / 1994

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