Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16

Select Item Title Year Published
Coastal wetlands indicator study : EMAP-estuaries Louisianian Province - 1991 / 1995
Development of a wasteload allocation model for the Pigeon River between Canton and Hepco, North Carolina : volume I -- text / 1989
Ecological condition of coastal ocean and estuarine waters of the U.S. South Atlantic Bight, 2000-2004 / 2010
EMAP-estuaries Virginian Province 1990 demonstration project report / 1992
Environmental monitoring and assessment program estuaries component Louisianian province : 1991 demonstration field activities report / 1992
EPA's environmental monitoring and assessment program : an ecological status and trends program / 1991
Implementation plan for monitoring the estuarine waters of the Louisianian province : 1991 / 1991
Implementation plan for monitoring the estuarine waters of the Louisianian Province : 1991 / 1990
Implementation plan for monitoring the estuarine waters of the Louisianian province : 1991 demonstration / 1991
Indicator development : seagrass monitoring and research in the Gulf of Mexico : report of a workshop held at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, FL, January 28-29, 1992 / 1994
Louisianian province demonstration report : EMAP-Estuaries: 1991 / 1993
National coastal condition report / 2001
National coastal condition report II / 2005
Statistical summary : EMAP-estuaries, Louisianian Province - 1991 / 1993
Statistical summary : EMAP-estuaries, Louisianian Province - 1992 / 1994
Virginian Province demonstration report : EMAP-estuaries, 1990 / 1993

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