Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42

Select Item Title Year Published
Activity of 1,1,1-and 1,1,3-trichloroacetones in a chromosomal aberration assay in CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells and the micronucleus and spermhead abnormality assays in mice / 1988
Administrative law and regulatory policy problems, text, and cases / 1985
Agricultural Sources and Sinks of Carbon. 1993
Analyzing superfund : economics, science, and law / 1995
Application of Pulse Combustion to Solid and Hazardous Waste Incineration. 1991
Aquatic and wetland plants of Southwestern United States / 1972
Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States / 1972
Best management practices implementation Rochester, New York / 1981
Completely mixed model of the Houston ship channel 1900
Control of water pollution from cropland / 1975
Control of water pollution from cropland {microform} / 1976
Distribution of nitrates and other water pollutants under fields and corrals in the middle South Platte Valley of Colorado / 1967
Distribution System Microbiology: Disinfection Resistance, Disinfection Interference and Sample Variability. 1985
Drinking Water Criteria Document for DBCP (Dibromochloropropane) (Final Draft), March 1988. 1988
Encyclopedia of water science / 2003
Environmental law and policy : readings, materials, and notes / 1978
Estimating the Rate of Plasmid Transfer: An End-Point Method. 1990
Fertilizer and pesticide movement from citrus groves in Florida flatwood soils / 1977
Fractals in soil science / 1998
Genotoxic Properties of Municipal Wastewaters in Ohio. 1987
Heterogeneous reactions of nitrogen oxides in simulated atmospheres / 1977
Integrated weed and soil management 1998
Interacting processes in soil science / 1992
Laboratory measurement of sulfur dioxide deposition velocities / 1977
Medical Radiation Information for Litigation. 1969
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : geometrical methods for engineers and scientists / 1986
Particulate Matter and Ozone Research Program Review. Report of the Subcommittee on Particulate Matter and Ozone Research. 2005
Principles of chemoprevention 1996
Problem oriented language package 1900
Soil and Climate / 2018
Soil biology : effects on soil quality / 1993
Soil degradation and restoration in Africa / 2019
Soil management of smallholder agriculture / 2015
Soil Nitrogen Uses and Environmental Impacts / 2018
Soil processes and water quality 1994
Soil-specific farming : precision agriculture / 2016
Solidification and stabilization of wastes using Portland cement 1991
Subsoil management techniques 1995
The role of solid-gas interactions in air pollution / 1977
The state of Boston Harbor, 1994 : connecting the harbor to its watersheds / 1995
Urban Soils / 2017
Urban soils / 2018

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