Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 124
Showing: Items 51 - 100

Select Item Title Year Published
Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part II. Estimating Costs of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants. 1973
Evaluation of irrigation methods for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1978
Evaluation of the flash desulfurization process for coal cleaning / 1979
Evaluation study of direct recirculation on a high-rate trickling filter, Newberry, S.C. 1952
Executive overview and detailed summary / 1978
Fifth semiannual interagency briefing, August 1975, Washington, D. C. / 1976
Financial and Institutional Arrangements for Wastewater Management - Denver SMSA 1973
Geologic map of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico / 1970
Geology and mineralogy of copper-uranium occurrences in the Picture Rocks and Sonestown quadrangles, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania / 1984
Granular activated carbon installations / 1981
Ground-water resources of Summit County, Ohio, 1953
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : volume VIII : - determination of co emissions from stationary sources by NDIR spectrometry / 1975
Guidelines to assessing regional vulnerabilities / 2008
In situ thermal technologies for site remediation 1993
Indices identifying subsurface microbial communities that are adapted to organic pollution/ 1985
Interlaboratory evaluation of measurements for HCN and H2S released from wastes / 1985
Investigation of the metabolism of chlorinated hydrocarbons in subhuman species / 1985
Ion chromatography applications 1988
Iowa's solid waste stream : characterization and management strategy / 1990
Kinetic Model of Fluoride Metabolism in the Rabbit. 1976
Laboratory Studies of Priority Pollutant Treatability. 1981
Land disposal of hazardous wastes : proceedings of the fourth annual research symposium held at San Antonio, Texas, March 6, 7, and 8, 1978 / 1978
Mathematical model for a trickling filter 1969
Microscopy and photomicrography : a working manual / 1994
Microscopy and photomicrography a working manual / 1990
Molecular genetic approaches in conservation / 1996
Monitoring of the Effluent Stream from Wastewater Treatment Plants. 1971
Monitoring of the effluent stream from wastewater treatment plants. 1971
New chemical alternative for ozone-depleting substances : HFC-236fa / 1996
New chemical alternative for ozone-depleting substances : HFC-236fa, project summary / 1997
NIST critically selected stability constants of metal complexes database / 2003
Numerical Simulation of Aerated Sludge Composting. 1980
Ocean disposal of barge-delivered liquid and solid wastes from U.S. coastal cities, 1971
Odor and corrosion control in sanitary sewerage systems and treatment plants 1989
Offsite environmental monitoring report : radiation monitoring around United States nuclear test areas, calendar year 1983 / 1984
Open space as an air resource management measure ... / 1976
Open Space as an Air Resource Management Measure. Volume IA: Appendix to Sink Factors. 1976
Performance testing of four skimming systems 1981
Perturbations in the Biomass, Metabolic Activity, and Community Structure of the Estuarine Detrital Microbota: Resource Partitioning in Amphipod Grazing. 1982
Pesticides in the nation's rivers, 1975-1980, and implications for future monitoring / 1985
Pilot plant study of conversion of coal to low sulfur fuel / 1977
Polymeric materials for treatment and recovery of petrochemical wastes / 1971
Preliminary design and simulation of conventional wastewater renovation systems using the digital computer / 1968
Proceedings of marine environmental implications of offshore drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico : conference/workshops, January 31, February 1, 2, 1974 1974
Quantification of particulate emission rates from vacuum cleaners / 1989
Regional air pollution study, Lambert Field graphical weather summary. 1979
Regional vulnerability assessment for the Mid-Atlantic region : evaluation of integration methods and assessment results / 2003
Relation of geology to drainage, floods, and landslides in the Petersburg area, West Virginia, 1956
Relations of borehole resistivity to the horizontal hydraulic conductivity and dissolved-solids concentration in water of clastic coastal plain aquifers in the southeastern United States / 1994
Renovation of municipal wastewater by reverse osmosis / 1970

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