Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 124
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
A compilation of cost information for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants and processes / 1967
A compilation of cost information for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants and processes / 1967
A generalized computer model for steady-state performance of the activated sludge process / 1969
A study of trends in total phosphorus measurements at NASQAN stations / 1982
A Summary of knowledge of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, 1973. / 1973
Abstracting scientific and technical literature; an introductory guide and text for scientists, abstractors, and management 1971
Acute Toxicity of Ammonia and Nitrite to Cutthroat Trout Fry. 1981
Air quality : pollution prevention and mitigation / 1992
Alternative to Least Squares Statistics for Comparison of Duplicate Measurements. 1983
An ecological assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region : a landscape atlas / 1997
Analytical procedures for characterizing unregulated emissions from vehicles using middle-distillate fuels, interim report / 1980
Analytical procedures for characterizing unregulated pollutant emissions from motor vehicles / 1979
Application of a Fabry-Perot interferometry to remote sensing of pollutants gaseous / 1977
Application of the frequency-equivalent non-linear hydrograph method of flood frequency analysis in urban basins : a research project conducted by the Kansas Water Resources Research Institute at the University of Kansas / 1978
Bicarbonate of soda blasting technology for aircraft wheel depainting : project summary / 1994
Bicarbonate of soda blasting technology for aircraft wheel depainting : project summary / 1994
Biotechnology in industrial waste treatment and bioremediation 1996
Black firsts : 2,000 years of extraordinary achievement / 1994
Characterization of exhaust emissions from operation of a light-duty gasoline vehicle on alternative-source gasoline fuels / 1983
Chemical and biological characterization of leachates from coal solid wastes / 1980
Clinical toxicology of commercial products / 1984
Comparative Toxicity of Polyelectrolytes to Selected Aquatic Animals. 1976
Compilation of state and Federal policy {i.e. privacy} laws, 1988 (with 1989 supplement in the back of the book) / 1989
Compilation of state and federal privacy laws / 2002
Computer assisted preliminary design for drinking water treatment process systems / 1986
Continuous subsurface injection of liquid dairy manure / 1977
Control schemes for the activated-sludge / 1974
Cost and performance estimates for tertiary wastewater treating processes / 1969
Cost of Columnar Denitrification for Removal of Nitrogen from Wastewater. 1972
Cost to the consumer for collection and treatment of wastewater 1970
Cost to the consumer for collection and treatment of wastewater / 1970
Cost-effective comparison of land application and advanced wastewater treatment / 1975
Critical stability constants, 1974
Determination of factors influencing year class strength in northern pike and largemouth bass, 1958
Development of a Rational Basis for the Design and Operation of the Overland Flow Process. 1980
Development of residential wood consumption estimation models : project summary / 1993
Direct measurement technique for automotive exhaust emissions. 1961
Dynamic Mass Balance of PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls). 1983
Ecology & field biology / 2001
Ecology and field biology. 1974
Effect of Silicate Grain Shape, Structure, and Location on the Biomass and Community Structure of Colonizing Marine Microbiota. 1981
Electrical power consumption for municipal wastewater treatment / 1973
Elements of ecology / 2009
Elements of ecology / 1992
Energy conservation through improved solid waste management / 1974
Energy: resource, slave, pollutant; a physical science text 1975
Epigenomics [electronic resource] / 2009
Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. 1973
Estimating staffing and cost factors for small wastewater treatment plants less than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing guidelines for conventional municipal wastewater treatment plants less than 1 MGD, 1973
Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. Part I. Staffing Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD. 1973
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