Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21

Select Item Title Year Published
An overview of major wetland functions and values / 1984
Analyses for PCDDs and PCDFs in samples obtained from EPA audit of the PCB demonstration test Unison Second Set (activity ag) 1987
Approach for assessing wetland functions using hydrogeomorphic classification, reference wetlands, and functional indices 1995
Cold climate utilities delivery design manual / 1979
Conceptual framework for assessing the functions of wetlands 1993
Designing greenways : sustainable landscapes for nature and people / 2006
Experimental Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms Lessons from the Living / [electronic resource] : 2014
Ground Water Quality Effects on Domestic Water Utilization. 1974
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : Volume XII : determination of phosphorus in gasoline / 1974
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : volume XIII - test for lead in gasoline by atomic spectrometry / 1974
Handbook of road ecology / 2015
Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow in the thick regolith-fractured crystalline rock aquifer system of Indian Creek Basin, North Carolina / 1997
Hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions : guidelines for developing regional guidebooks. Chapter 4, Developing assessment models / 2001
Hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions : guidelines for developing regional guidebooks. Chapter 7, Verifying, field testing, and validating assessment models / 2001
Hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions guidelines for developing regional guidebooks. {electronic resource} Developing a reference wetland system / 2001
Population risks from disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in geologic repositories / 1983
Proceedings, second Symposium on Utitlities delivery in Northern Regions held March 19, 20 and 21, 1979, Edmonton, Alberta 1980
Proceedings, third Symposium on Utilities Delivery in Cold Regions held May 25 and 26, 1982, Edmonton, Alberta : sponsored by Northern Technology Unit, Water Pollution Control Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada and Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Municipal Environment Division, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering / 1982
Regional guidebook for assessing the functions of low gradient, Riverine Wetlands in Western Kentucky 1999
Safety and locational criteria for bicycle facilities : Final report : prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research and Development / 1976
Treatment of secondary effluent by infiltration-percolation / 1979

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