Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11

Select Item Title Year Published
Analytical Techniques for Assessing the Effects of Acid Deposition on Painted Steel Substrates. 1988
Cassell's Latin and English dictionary 1987
Cassell's new compact Latin-English; English-Latin dictionary. 1971
Cassell's new Latin dictionary : Latin-English, English-Latin / 1968
Detailed cost estimates for advanced effluent desulfurization processes / 1975
Evaluation of the Kriging Method to Predict 7-h Seasonal Mean Ozone Concentrations for Estimating Crop Losses (Journal Version). 1987
Macroinvertebrate survey of the upper Hudson River, New York, 1972 : prepared for and in cooperation with Bureau of Monitoring & Surveillance, Division of Pure Waters, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation / 1974
Nutritional Value of Artemia: A Review. 1987
Preliminary exposure study to determine the effects of acid deposition on coated steel substrates {microfiche} 1990
Use and Nutritional Value of 'Artemia' as a Food Source. 1986
Waste reduction evaluation of soy-based ink at a sheet-fed offset printer : project summary / 1994

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