Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25

Select Item Title Year Published
A summary of indoor air quality research through 1984 / 1988
Atmospheric chemistry of potential emissions from fuel conversion facilities : a smog chamber study / 1978
Atmospheric chemistry of selected sulfur-containing compounds : outdoor smog chamber study -- phase 1 / 1979
Atmospheric Chemistry of Selected Sulfur-Containing Compounds. Outdoor Smog Chamber Study. Phase 2. 1981
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Coastal Estuaries and their Watersheds. 2001
Climatological and regional analyses of CASTNet air concentration data / 1998
Comparison of Several Techniques for Determining Dry Deposition Flux. 1983
Evaluation of the Performance of Sulfation and Nitration Plates. 1987
Field Comparison of Methods for the Measurement of Gaseous and Particulate Contributors to Acidic Dry Deposition. 1990
Indoor air quality in public buildings / 1988
Investigation of the performance of sulfation and nitration plates / 1984
Investigation of the performance of sulfation and nitration plates {microform} / 1984
Laboratory and field evaluations of extrasensitive sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide analyzers for acid deposition monitoring / 1990
Literature survey of emissions associated with emerging energy technologies / 1977
Nitric Acid Shootout: Field Comparison of Measurement Methods (Journal Version). 1988
Nitrogen dioxide photolytic, radiometric and meteorological field data / 1978
Oxidant-precursor relationships under pollutant transport conditions : outdoor smog chamber study / 1976
Oxidant-precursor relationships under pollutant transport conditions : outdoor smog chamber study / 1979
Project Da Vinci II : data analysis and interpretation / 1978
Review of recent research in indoor air quality / 1984
Review of recent research in indoor air quality / 1984
Sampling and analytical methods development for dry deposition monitoring / 1987
Sampling and analytical methods development for dry deposition monitoring : project summary / 1987
Study of the Nature of Ozone, Oxides of Nitrogen, and Nonmethane Hydrocarbons in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Volume III. Data Analysis and Interpretation. 1979
Summary of Indoor Air Quality Research Through 1984. 1987

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