Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Exposure to a Simulated Urban Profile of Ozone: Effects on Extrapulmonary Natural Killer Cell Activity and Lymphocyte Mitogenic Responses. 1990
Comparison of the Pathogenesis of Murine Cytomegalovirus in Lung and Liver Following Intraperitoneal or Intratracheal Infection. 1984
Correlation between Chemical Suppression of Natural Killer Cell Activity in Mice and Susceptibility to Cytomegalovirus: Rationale for Applying Murine Cytomegalovirus as a Host Resistance Model and for Interpreting Immunotoxicity Testing in Terms of Risk of Disease. 1992
Effect of NO2 Inhalation and Vitamin C Deficiency on Protein and Lipid Accumulation in the Lung. 1980
Effects of 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene and Cyclosporin A on Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection: Studies of Resistance Mechanisms. 1988
Effects of NiCl2 and CdCl2 on Susceptibility to Murine Cytomegalovirus and Virus-Augmented Natural Killer Cell and Interferon Responses. 1987
Effects of Phosgene Exposure on Bacterial, Viral, and Neoplastic Lung Disease Susceptibility in Mice. 1989
Enhanced Mortality and Liver Damage in Virus-Infected Mice Exposed to p-Xylene. 1993
Evaluation of Effects of Ozone Exposure on Influenza Infection in Mice Using Several Indicators of Susceptibility (Journal Version). 1988
Evaluation of Immunotoxicity of an Urban Profile of Nitrogen Dioxide: Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Studies. 1991
Evaluation of Several Variations of the Mouse Ear Swelling Test (MEST) for Detection of Weak and Moderate Contact Sensitizers. 1993
Factors That Influence the Suppression of Pulmonary Antibacterial Defenses in Mice Exposed to Ozone. 1993
Humoral Antibody Response to Individual Viral Proteins After Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection. 1983
Impact of a 12-Month Exposure to a Diurnal Pattern of Ozone on Pulmonary Function, Antioxidant Biochemistry and Immunology. 1988
Increased Susceptibility to Parathion Poisoning Following Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection. 1984
Increased Susceptibility to Pentobarbital Following Mouse Cytomegalovirus Infection: Relative Roles of Viral-Induced Interferon and Viral Infection of the Liver. 1989
Inhalation Studies of Mt. St. Helens Volcanic Ash in Animals: 3. Host Defense Mechanisms. 1985
Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessing the Health Risk of Air Toxic Chemicals: An Overview. 1990
Murine Cytomegalovirus Host Resistance Models. 1992
Pulmonary and Systemic Health Effects of Acute and Subchronic Exposure to Smoke Obscurant SGF-2. 1985
Pulmonary Effects Due to Short-Term Exposure to Oil Fog. 1987
Pulmonary Effects Due to Subchronic Exposure to Oil Fog. 1990
Use of Immunotoxicity Data in the Environmental Regulatory Process. 1984

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