Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2-Methoxyethanol, 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy) Ethanol, 2-(2-Ethoxyethoxy)Ethanol, 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)Ethanol: Absorption through Human Skin in Vitro with Cover Letter dated 10/03/84. 1984
A probabilistic ecological risk assessment of tributyltin in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : final report / 1998
A screening level probabilistic ecological risk assessment of copper and cadmium in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : final report / 1997
Addendum to "Environmental assessment source test and evaluation report-Chapman Low-BTU gasification" / 1981
Addendum to: 'Environmental Assessment: Source Test and Evaluation Report--Chapman Low-Btu Gasification'. 1980
Agrarian studies : synthetic work at the cutting edge / 2001
Agricultural insecticide runoff effects on estuarine organisms : correlating laboratory and field toxicity testing with ecotoxicological biomonitoring / 1988
Agricultural insecticide runoff effects on estuarine organisms : correlating laboratory and field toxicity tests, ecophysiology bioassays, and ecotoxicological biomonitoring / 1994
Air quality for urban and industrial planning / 1974
Algal-Available Phosphorus in Suspended Sediments from Lower Great Lakes Tributaries. 1981
Analyses for PCDDs and PCDFs in samples obtained from EPA audit of the PCB demonstration test Unison Second Set (activity ag) 1987
Analytical Examination of the Relationship between Fuel Properties, Engine Efficiency, and R Factor Values / 2019
Annals of internal medicine. 1927
Assessment of diagnostic measurements for selection for residential radon mitigation / 1992
Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) - A GIS-Based Hydrologic Modeling Tool: Documentation and User Manual, Version 1.5. 2004
Beneficial use of pulp and paper industry residuals : extrusion for the manufacture of building panels / 2000
Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the lower Great Lakes / 1985
Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the lower Great Lakes / 1984
Case studies of hazardous waste treatment to remove volatile organics : project summary / 1988
Catalog of materials as sources of potential indoor air emissions. Volume 1 : Insulation, wallcoverings, resilient floor coverings, carpet, adhesives, sealants and caulks, and pesticides / 1993
Characteristics and availability of data from earth-imaging satellites 1985
Chemical and Biological Evaluation of Three Mine Drainage Treatment Plants. 1973
Coastal Monitoring: Evaluation of Monitoring Methods in Narragansett Bay, Long Island Sound and New York Bight, and a General Monitoring Strategy. 1987
Computer software for converting ground-water and water-quality data from the National Water Information System for use in a geographic information system / 1991
Computerized data-base system for land-use and land-cover data collected at ground-water sampling sites in the pilot National Water-Quality Assessment Program 1989
Computerized stratified random site-selection approaches for design of a ground-water-quality sampling network 1990
Condition of South Carolina's Estuarine and Coastal Habitats During 1999-2000. Summary Report. 2002
Condition of South Carolina's Estuarine and Coastal Habitats During 1999-2000. Technical Report. South Carolina Estuarine and Coastal Assessment Program. 2002
Conduction of heat in solids / 1959
Connectivity of streams and wetlands to downstream waters : a review and synthesis of the scientific evidence / 2015
Conservation and culture : the soil conservation service, social science and conservation on tribal land in the southwest, 1934-1994 / 1997
Contamination of wells completed in the Roubidoux aquifer by abandoned zinc and lead mines, Ottawa County, Oklahoma 1995
Cost of reclamation and mine drainage abatement : Elkins Demonstration Project / 1970
Costs of remedial actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites : worker health and safety considerations / 1986
Data on uranium and radium in ground water in the United States, 1954 to 1957, 1962
Design parameters for animal waste treatment systems / 1974
Design parameters for animal waste treatment systems : nitrogen control / 1976
Determination of Benzidine, Related Congeners, and Pigments in Atmospheric Particulate Matter. 1983
Determination of the R Factor for Fuel Economy Calculations Using Ethanol-Blended Fuels over Two Test Cycles / 2014
Effects of sediment holding time on sediment toxicity / 1990
Elutriator/microcosm system : pilot model and test / 1977
EMAP-estuaries Virginian Province 1990 demonstration project report / 1992
EMAP-Virginian province, four year assessment 1990-1993 / 1999
Energy from the West : a progress report of a technology assessment of western energy resource development : executive summary : prepared for Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency / 1977
Energy from the West: A Progress Report of a Technology Assessment of Western Energy Resource Development. Volume IV. Appendices. 1977
EPA ethics advisory 2000-01 : Clarification of 18 U.S.C. section 203 - OGE "DAEOgram" DO-99-049 / 2000
EPA ethics advisory 2000-03 : Designation of deputy ethics official / 2000
EPA ethics advisory 2000-04 : Spring 2000 "Government Ethics Newsgram" - transmittal / 2000
EPA ethics advisory 96-16 : Obsolete EPA Ethics Advisories / 1996
EPA ethics advisory 99-07 : Summer 1999 Government Ethics Newsgram - transmittal / 1999
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