Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
30-second theories : the 50 most thought-provoking theories in science, each explained in half a minute / 2009
3D QSAR in drug design 1900
A comparative study of water chemistry analyses from Canada, Norway, and the United States : analytical methods and raw data / 1987
A comparative study of water chemistry analyses from Canada, Norway, and the United States : analytical methods and raw data / 1988
A comparison of alternative manure management systems : effect on the environment, total energy requirement, nutrient conservation, and contributions to corn silage production and economics / 1984
A compendium of air pollution control equipment inspection checklists. 1991
A computer code (RVRDOS) to calculate population doses from radioactive liquid effluents and an application to nuclear power reactors on the Mississippi River basin / 1976
A dictionary of science. 2010
A framework for research on the human dimensions of global environmental change / 1991
A guide to mathematical models used in steam electric power plant environmental impact assessment / 1978
A qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk perception and treatment options as related to wildfires in the USDA FS Region 3 National Forests / 2011
A Scientific Approach to Scientific Writing [electronic resource] / 2011
A standard program, for impact assessment. Phase I, Lchthyoplankton sampling / 1983
A study of emissions from 1966-1972, light-duty vehicles in Washington, D.C. / 1974
A study of emissions from 1967-1974 light duty vehicles in Denver, Houston, and Detroit / 1974
A study of emissions from 1967-1974 light-duty vehicles in Newark, New Jersey / 1974
A summary of pesticides in ground-water data collected by government agencies in Indiana, December 1985 to April 1991 / 1994
A survey of offshore fishing in Florida. 1963
Abiotic reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane by environmental reductants / 1990
Abiotic reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane by environmental reductants / 1990
Abiotic transformation of carbon tetrachloride at mineral surfaces 1994
Abiotic transformation of carbon tetrachloride at mineral surfaces / 1994
Abiotic transformation of carbon tetrachloride in the presence of sulfide and mineral surfaces / 1992
Aboriginal land use and occupancy studies in Canada 2003
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources 1993
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources / 1994
Accountability for leaders in the new matrix / 2007
ACEEE's green book : the environmental guide to cars & trucks, model year 2000 / 2000
Acid precipitation literature review / 1986
Acid Rain - Deposition to Recovery [electronic resource] / 2007
Acidic Gases and Aerosols in the Eastern and Western United States. 1992
Acidic Pit Lakes The Legacy of Coal and Metal Surface Mines / [electronic resource] : 2013
Acidity status of lakes in the Adirondack region of New York in relation to fish resources 1980
Action diagrams clearly structured specifications, programs, and procedures / 1989
Adapting to an Uncertain Climate Lessons From Practice / [electronic resource] : 2014
Adhesion-GPCRs Structure to Function / [electronic resource] : 2010
Advanced Combustion Modification. 1982
Advanced oxidation technologies : sustainable solutions for environmental treatments / 2014
Advances in containment design and analysis : presented at ASME/ANS joint conference, Portland, Oregon, July 26-28, 1982 1982
Advances in Control Technology for Acid Deposition. 1985
Aesthetics in environmental planning / 1973
Aesthetics in Environmental Planning. 1973
African Americans in business : the path towards empowerment : essays on black entrepreneurship from the African background to the present : 73rd national celebration of Afro-American history / 1998
African coal supply prospects 1991
Agricultural burning stakeholder forums : putting the pieces together / 2001
Aha! gotcha : paradoxes to puzzle and delight / 1982
Air and water pollution regulation : accomplishments and economic consequences / 1993
Air Pollution and Air Toxics-U.S. Regulatory Framework and Control Technologies. 1998
Air pollution control theory / 1976
Air pollution control; guidebook to U.S. regulations 1973
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