Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 807
Showing: Items 51 - 100

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alternative fuels : emissions, economics, and performance / 1995
Ammonia Emissions from the EPA's Light Duty Test Vehicle. 2001
An Alternative to oil : burning coal with gas : the economic and environmental benefits of burning coal and natural gas mixtures in boilers originally designed for oil / 1981
An annual cycle study of biological, chemical and oceanographic phenomena associated with the Agana ocean outfall : final report / 1971
An assessment of estuarine and nearshore marine environments / 1976
An automated aqueous rotary washer for the metal finishing industry / 1992
An ecological assessment of the Louisiana Tensas River Basin / 1999
An ecological assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region : a landscape atlas / 1997
An evaluation of factors affecting the stabilization/solidification of heavy metal sludge : project summary / 1992
An evaluation of three liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry interfaces : Thermospray, Thermbeam, and Particle beam / 1989
An interlaboratory comparison study of supercritical fluid extraction for environmental samples / 1991
An interlaboratory study of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method 6010 and digestion method 3050 / 1988
An Interlaboratory study of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method 6010 and digestion method 3050 / 1987
An Interlaboratory study of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method 6010 and digestion method 3050 : project summary / 1988
An introduction to bioinformatics algorithms / 2004
An investigation of pollution in Commencement Bay and the Puyallup River system / 1950
An investigation of pollution in Lake Washington / 1952
An investigation of pollution in the lower Columbia River Basin / 1951
An investigation of remote sensing devices for chemical characterization of motor vehicle exhaust : final report / 1998
An investigation of the nitrate problem in Runnels County, Texas / 1973
An LC/MS performance evaluation study of organophosphorus pesticides / 1989
Anacostia water quality report : 1987-1990 / 1994
Analysis of Chlorinated Herbicides by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. 1990
Analysis of chlorinated organic compounds formed during chlorination of wastewater products / 1982
Analysis of chlorinated organic compounds formed during chlorination of wastewater products. 1982
Analysis of environmental endocrine disruptors / 2000
Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticide Samples by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry. 1988
Animal studies to investigate the deposition and clearance of inhaled mineral dusts 1988
Annotated bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey reports on water-power resources, including floods and droughts 1954
Annual handbook for group facilitators. 1972
Application of high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to environmental analysis / 1989
Application of the OECD eutrophication modeling approach to estuaries ; Effect of eutrophication on fisheries ; An approach for assessing the water quality significance of chemical contaminants in urban lakes / 1979
Applications of palaeontology : techniques and case studies / 2011
Applications of the LC/MS/MS protocol to environmental analysis. / 1988
APRAC-3/MOBILE 1 Emissions and Diffusion Modeling Package: User's Manual. 1981
Arid ecosystems annual statistical summary report : a hypothetical example. 1991
Asbestos analyses of crushed stone samples 1981
Assessing the effects of changes in exploitation pattern using length composition data (with notes on VPA and cohort analysis) 1984
Assessing the geochemical fate of deep-well-injected hazardous waste : a reference guide. 1990
Assessment of international air pollution prevention and control technology : report to Congress / 1996
Assessment of International Air Pollution Prevention and Control Technology. Volume 1. Executive Summary. Report to Congress under CAA Amendments of 1990, Section 901(e) Public Law 101-549. 1996
Assessment of International Air Pollution Prevention and Control Technology. Volume 2. Technical Report. Report to Congress under CAA Amendments of 1990, Section 901(e) Public Law 104-549. 1996
Assessment of potential toxic releases from leather industry dyeing operations / 1978
Assessment of the need for NOx flue gas treatment technology / 1978
Assessment of the population dynamics of commercial or recreational fish of Chesapeake Bay an atlas of commercial fishery statistics in Chesapeake Bay, 1929-1980 / 1984
Assessment of the Waikato River estuary and delta for whitebait habitat management : field survey, GIS modelling and hydrodynamic modelling / 2014
Assessment of unsaturated zone transport for shallow land burial of radioactive waste summary report of technology needs, model verification and measurement efforts (FY78-FY83) / 1984
Automotive and heavy-duty engine coolant recycling by distillation : project summary / 1992
Automotive and heavy-duty engine coolant recycling by distillation : technology evaluation report / 1992
Automotive and heavy-duty engine coolant recycling by filtration : project summary / 1992
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