Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 807
Showing: Items 501 - 550

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Select Item Title Year Published
Nitrate removal from wastewaters by ion exchange / 1971
Noise and hearing : relationship of industrial noise to hearing acuity in a controlled population / 1961
North America Land Cover Summit / 2008
Now with Bill Moyers. April 5, 2002 / 2002
Nuclear waste : schedule, cost, and management issues at DOE's Hanford Tank Waste Project : statement of Gary L. Jones, Associate Director, Energy, Resources, and Science Issues, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives / 1998
Numerical model analysis of the effects of ground-water withdrawals on discharge to streams and springs in small basins typical of the Puget Sound Lowland, Washington 1996
Numerical model analysis of the effects of ground-water withdrawals on discharge to streams and springs in small basins typical of the Puget Sound lowland, Washington 1999
Occurrence of ground water and potential for seawater intrusion, Island County, Washington 1986
Ohio River Basin Energy Study : land use and terrestrial ecology / 1980
OIG fiscal 2000 audit plan and performance plan / 2000
Oil and gas fields of Colorado : statistical data / 1976
On-site waste ink recycling : project summary / 1993
On-site waste ink recycling : technology evaluation report / 1993
Once and future forest : a guide to forest restoration strategies / 1998
Onsite engineering report of the slurry-phase biological reactor for pilot-scale testing on contaminated soil / 1993
Onsite solvent recovery / 1994
Organic coatings : science and technology / 1992
Organic coatings : science and technology / 1999
Organic contaminants in the environment environmental pathways & effects / 1991
Organochlorine Contaminants of Wintering Ducks Foraging on Detroit River Sediments / 1984
Organochlorine Contaminates of Wintering Ducks Foraging on Detroit River Sediments 1984
Organophosphorus and pesticide standards: stability study / 1992
Our energy future : introduction to renewable energy and biofuels / 2016
Overview of the environmental control measures and problems in the food processing industries / 1979
Oxidation of organic matter in sediments / 1973
Oxidation of water supply refractory species by ozone with ultraviolet radiation / 1980
Particle Beam Liquid Chromatography-Electron Impact Mass Spectrometry of Dyes. 1989
Pathology of laboratory animals 1978
People, places and policy knowing contemporary Wales through new localities / [electronic resource] : 2016
Performance/Cost Estimates for Retrofitting Control Technologies at 12 Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1988
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment : scientific and regulatory issues / 2001
Phase I clean lakes study : diagnostic and feasibility report on Mantua reservoir / 1998
Phase I Clean Lakes Study, Diagnostic and Feasibility Report on Mantua Reservoir 1998
Photochemically reactive organic compound emissions from consumer and commercial products : final report, November 26, 1986 / 1986
Phoxocephalid Amphipod Bioassay for Marine Sediment Toxicity. 1985
Physical Coal-Cleaning/Flue Gas Desulfurization Computer Model. 1986
Pilot Scale Studies of Closed-Loop Ash Sluicing. 1986
Pilot study to refine the methods for potentially measuring fifteen suspect endocrine disrupting compounds in the Neuse River Basin, North Carolina. 1999
Piperonyl butoxide : the insecticide synergist / 1998
Plan for air pollution research in the Texas Gulf Coast area. 1979
Planning for an individual water system 1982
Plant life of Kentucky : an illustrated guide to the vascular flora / 2005
Plants and microclimate : a quantitative approach to environmental plant physiology / 1983
Pollution control and chemical recovery in the pulp and paper industry 1973
Pollution control in meat, poultry, and seafood processing 1974
Pollution control in the nonferrous metals industry, 1972 1972
Pollution control in the petroleum industry 1973
Pollution control in the textile industry 1973
Pollution prevention and the use of low-voc/hap coatings at wood furniture manufacturing facilities / 1999
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in School Buildings: Sources, Environmental Levels, and Exposures. 2012
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