Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry of Organotin Compounds. 1995
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry performance evaluation of chlorinated phenoxyacid herbicides and their esters / 1989
Literature-based review of the physical, sedimentary, and water quality aspects of the Pensacola Bay system 1992
Livestock and the environment : watershed solutions / 1994
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of cadmium and cadmium compounds 1993
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of cadmium and cadmium compounds / 1993
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of mercury and mercury compounds / 1993
Lung function in coalworkers' pneumoconiosis 1955
Machinery's handbook : a reference book for the mechanical engineer, designer, manufacturing engineer, draftsman, toolmaker and machinist / 1992
Machinery's handbook; a reference book for the mechanical engineer, draftsman, toolmaker and machinist, 1971
Maintaining access to America's intermodal ports/technologies for decontamination of dredged sediment 1999
Managing change pocketbook 1995
Managing lakes and reservoirs / 2001
Manganese in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1974
Marine borers, fungi and fouling organisms of wood : proceedings of the OECD workshop organised by the Committee investigating the preservation of wood in the marine environment, 27th March-3rd April, 1968 1972
Materials for oxygenated wastewater treatment plant construction / 1978
Materials for Oxygenated Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction. 2-Year Progress Report. 1974
Measurement and analysis of the physical character of diesel particulate emissions 1976
Measurement of polycyclic organic materials and other hazardous organic compounds in stack gases: state of the art / 1977
Measuring the Climate Impact of Residential Buildings: GreeenPoint Rated Climate Calculator Version 2. 2012
Medical and institutional waste incineration : regulations, management, technology, emissions, and operations. 1992
Meeting Indiana's environmental protection needs : organizational and staffing requirements / 1972
Mercury and modern gold mining in Nevada 2005
Mercury pollution control, 1971 1971
Mercury use reduction & waste prevention in medical facilities / 2003
Method for Estimating Methane Emissions from Underground Coal Mines: Preliminary Findings. 1990
Methods development for assessing air pollution control benefits. 1979
Minerals and the environment : proceedings of an international symposium, organized by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, with the cooperation of the Institute of Quarrying and the Institution of Mining Engineers, held in London from 4 to 7 June 1974 1975
Minipilot Solar System: Design/Operation of System and Results of Non-Solar Testing at MRI. 1993
Mobile on-site recycling of metalworking fluids / 1993
Mobile onsite recycling of metalworking fluids : project summary / 1993
Mobile source hazardous air pollutant emissions in the Seattle-Tacoma urban area / by Joe Mangino and Julian W. Jones. 1994
Mobile Source Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions in the Seattle-Tacoma Urban Area. 1994
Molecular biology of the yeast Saccharomyces : metabolism and gene expression 1982
Molecular biology of the yeast saccharomyces, life cycle and inheritance 1981
Molybdenum in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Monitored natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents : U.S. EPA remedial technology fact sheet. 1999
Monitored natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons : U.S. EPA remedial technology fact sheet. 1999
Monitoring environmental impacts of the coal and oil shale industries : research and developments needs / 1977
Multivariate Q-Q Plots Based on Quantile Contours. 1996
Music Perception [electronic resource] / 2010
Myelin Basic Protein-Messenger RNA (MBP-mRNA) Expression during Triethyltin-Induced Myelin Edema. 1991
National dioxin study tier 4 : combustion sources : sampling procedures / 1984
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : metal coil surface coating background information for promulgated standards. / 2002
National Estimate of Methane Emissions from Compressors in the U.S. Natural Gas Industry. 1996
Neurobehavioral genetics : methods and applications / 2007
Neurotoxicity of Subchronic Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Inhibition in Rat Hippocampus. 1990
Neurotoxicity of Subchronic Acetylcholinesterase (AChE): Inhibition in Rat Hippocampus. 1990
New developments in emission projection methodologies / 1992
Nitrate Reduction in the Vicinity of Tile Drains. 1973
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