Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Evaluation of TRIM.FaTE: Volume 2. Model Performance Focusing on Mercury Test Case. 2005
Executive summary : the air toxics problem in the United States : an analysis of cancer risks for selected pollutants / 1985
Exhaust emissions from high-mileage, catalyst-equipped passenger cars / 1981
Experimental air exclusion system for field studies of SO2 effects on crop productivity / 1978
Experimental Air Exclusion System for Field Studies of SO2 Effects on Crop Productivity. 1977
Experimental and theoretical studies of solid solution formation in lime and limestone SO2 scrubbers / 1976
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Solid Solution Formation in Lime and Limestone SO2 Scrubbers. Volume I. Final Report. 1976
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Solid Solution Formation in Lime and Limestone SO2 Scrubbers. Volume II. Appendices. 1976
Experimental results for phase equilibria and pure component properties / 1991
Experimental results from the Design Institute for Physical Property Data : phase equilibria and pure component properties--Part II / 1989
Exposure commitment assessments of environmental pollutants volume 4, summary exposure assessment for aluminium / 1985
Extraction of Phenol and Its Metabolites from Aqueous Solution. 1993
Factors affecting microbial growth in model distribution systems / 2000
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Feasibility of Producing Commodities and Electricity for Space Shuttle Operations at Vandenberg Air Force Base. 1984
Feasibility study of the effectiveness of drilling mud as a plugging agent in abandoned wells 1990
Feasibility study of the use of the oleophilic belt oil scrubber : final report / 1970
Fecal coliform pollution in an agricultural environment : thesis / 1971
Feeding and survival strategies of estuarine organisms / 1981
Field sound insulation evaluation for two auxiliary walls / 1975
Final best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for chlorinated toluene wastes K149, K150, and K151 / 1994
Final best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for organic toxicity characteristic wastes D018-D043 and addendum to nonwastewater forms of pesticide toxicity characteristic wastes D012-D017 1994
Final report on impact of organic solvents on the integrity of clay liners for industrial waste disposal pits : implications for groundwater contamination 1979
Final Sampling Report for the Study of Personal CO (Carbon Monoxide) Exposure. 1984
Final sampling report for the study of personal CO exposure / 1984
Financial risk analysis of infrastructure debt the case of water and power investments / 1991
Fine dust and particulates removal 1972
Fire protection systems / 2013
Fish and river pollution. 1964
Fish migration 1968
Fishes of the Columbia River Estuary 1984
Fluidized bed combustion : effectiveness of an SO2 control technology for industrial boilers / 1984
Food saftey 1992
Forecasts of future emissions as applied to the electric utility industry / 1990
Formation of halonitromethanes and iodo-trihalomethanes in drinking water / 2011
Frequency Distributions for Durations and Volumes of Rainfalls in the Eastern United States in Relation to Acidic Precipitation. 1984
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants / 1985
Fundamental Considerations for Preparing Densified Refuse Derived Fuel. 1981
Fundamentals of comparative vertebrate endocrinology 1987
Fundamentals of statistics 1969
Future environmental problems : an overview of underlying trends / 1980
Gene Probe for PO Messenger RNA Used to Index Acrylamide Toxic Neuropathy in Rats. 1991
General geology of Santa Rita quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, 1967
Genomics and Molecular Genetics of Plant-Nematode Interactions [electronic resource] / 2011
Geologic framework for the Puget Sound aquifer system, Washington and British Columbia / 1999
Geology and ground-water conditions in the southern part of the Camp Ripley Military Reservation Morrison County, Minnesota 1963
Geology and ground-water resources of Eddy County, New Mexico / 1952
Geology and ground-water resources of southwestern Louisiana, 1954
Geology of the Hanover-York district, Pennsylvania / 1944
Global information warfare : how businesses, governments, and others achieve objectives and attain competitive advantages / 2002
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