Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 807
Showing: Items 251 - 300

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Select Item Title Year Published
Emissions and cost estimates for globally significant anthropogenic combustion sources of NOx, N2O, CH4, CO, and CO2 / 1990
Emissions forecasts for industrial process sources / 1989
Encyclopedia of new media : an essential reference to communication and technology / 2003
Endocrine system 1983
Endocrine system 1996
Energizers for training and conferences 1989
Energy Consumption Comparisons for High Efficiency versus Low Efficiency Central Filters. 1997
Energy Supply, Demand/Need and the Gaps Between. Volume I. An Overview. 1974
Energy Supply, Demand/Need and the Gaps Between. Volume II. Monograph, Working Papers and Appendix Papers. 1974
Energy supply, demand/need, and the gaps between / 1975
Engineering design manual for solid waste size reduction equipment / 1982
Engineering encyclopedia; a condensed encyclopedia and mechanical dictionary for engineers, mechanics, technical schools, industrial plants, and public libraries, giving the most essential facts about 4500 important engineering subjects. 1963
Enhanced Sensitivity in Liquid Chromatography/Thermospray Mass Spectrometry of Dyes Using a Wire Repeller. 1989
Ensuring the viability of new, small drinking water systems : a study of state programs / 1989
Environmental audits 1992
Environmental control in the organic and petrochemical industries, 1971 1971
Environmental exposure to airborne contaminants in the nickel industry, 1976-1977 1978
Environmental impact assessment for coal / 1992
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : arid ecosystems 1992 pilot report / 1994
Environmental outlook 1975-2000 / 1980
Environmental problem definition for petroleum refineries, synthetic natural gas plants, and liquefied natural gas plants / 1975
Environmental results management systems : moving from planning to action by measuring what counts, a guide for implementation of results-based management systems in environmental and natural resources agencies / 1999
Environmental sustainability issues in the South Texas-Mexico border region / 2014
Environmental Sustainability Issues in the South Texas-Mexico Border Region [electronic resource] / 2014
EPA's urban area source research program a status report on preliminary research / 1995
Episodic Acidification and Associated Fish and Benthic Invertebrate Responses in Five Northern Appalachian Streams: An Interim Report of the Episodic Response Project. 1991
Estimating contributions of outdoor fine particles to indoor concentrations and personal exposures : effects of household characteristics and personal activities / 2006
Estimating Performance and Costs of Retrofit SO2 and NOx Controls for Acid Rain Abatement. 1988
Estimating Performance/Costs of Retrofitting Control Technologies at 12 Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1987
Estimation of hazardous air pollutant emissions from municipal sewer systems / 1995
Estimation of radon potential in the Pacific Northwest using geological data 1989
European Activities in SO2 and NOx Emission Control. 1987
Evaluating the Stormwater Treatment Performance of AbTech Industries Smart Sponge(Trademark) Plus in Seabrook, New Hampshire. 2004
Evaluation of an Annual Simulation of Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter Over the Continental United States: Which Temporal Features are Captured. 2004
Evaluation of an electrodialytic process for purification of hexavalent chromium solutions / 1994
Evaluation of an Electrodialytic Process for Purification of Hexavalent Chromium Solutions. 1994
Evaluation of Effects of Wastewater Treatment Discharge on Estuarine Water Quality. 2003
Evaluation of Low Emission Coal Burner Technology on Industrial Boilers. Third Annual Report (1981). 1984
Evaluation of mechanical and chemical methods for control of Melaleuca quinquenervia in Southern Florida 1995
Evaluation of neonate squirrel monkeys receiving tritiated water throughout gestation / 1978
Evaluation of nitrogen oxide emissions data from TVA coal-fired boilers / 1992
Evaluation of NOx Emissions from TVA Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1991
Evaluation of restorative maintenance and catalyst replacement on exhaust emissions from eight very high mileage passenger cars in St. Louis / 1979
Evaluation of Restorative Maintenance and Catalyst Replacement on Exhaust Emissions from Eight Very High Mileage Passenger Cars in St. Louis. 1979
Evaluation of restorative maintenance retesting of passenger cars in Detroit / 1979
Evaluation of Restorative Maintenance Retesting of Passenger Cars in Detroit. 1979
Evaluation of the elutriate test as a method of predicting contaminant release during open-water disposal of dredged sediments and environmental impact of open-water dredged material disposal : vol. I : discussion : final report / 1978
Evaluation of the elutriate test as a method of predicting contaminant release during open-water disposal of dredged sediments and environmental impact of open-water dredged material disposal : vol. II : data report : final report / 1978
Evaluation of the Moleculetor fuel energizer under Section 511 of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act / 1981
Evaluation of the Riley Stoker Corporation distributed mixing burner / 1985
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