Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 106
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (AUTHOR=RYAN AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
Hydrogeology and Results of Aquifer Tests in the Vicinity of a Hazardous-Waste Disposal Site Near Byron, Illinois. 1989
Improved air pollution control for a Kraft recovery boiler: : modified recovery boiler no. 4 / 1974
Influence of Rogue Droplet Atomization on Incineration Effectiveness. 1987
Interactions between Bromine and Chlorine in a Pilot-Scale Hazardous Waste Incinerator. 1996
Job search handbook for people with disabilities 2000
Land application of sludge : food chain implications / 1987
Legal research and law library management / 2006
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Processing Stream, I/O Files and Formats, Deliverables. Volume 4. 1991
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Processing Stream, Program Listings. Volume 5. 1991
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Regional Analyses of Results (Summary Tables and Plots). Volume 2. 1991
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Summary of Results for Individual Catchments. Volume 3. 1991
MAGIC/DDRP Final Report. Models, Calibration, Results, Uncertainty Analyses, QA.QC. Volume 1. 1991
Measurement and Prediction of Single Droplet Trajectories in a Swirled Combustion System. 1986
Mechanistic and Source Understanding of PCDD/F Formation. 2000
Mercury CEMs: Technology Update. 2000
Mercury speciation and capture. / 2003
Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Emissions for the Open Burning of Scrap Rubber Tires. 1994
Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Emissions from the Open Burning of Scrap Rubber Tires. 1994
N2O field study (final report) / 1989
N20 emission from fossil fuel combusion /{Microfiche} 1990
Near-Real-Time Measurement of Trace Volatile Organic Compounds from Combustion Processes Using an On-Line Gas Chromatograph. 1998
Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion. 1990
NPDES best management practices guidance document / 1979
On-Line Measurement of Nitrous Oxide from Combustion Sources by Automated Gas Chromatography. 1992
On-Road Sampling of Diesel Engine Emissions of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxin and Polychlorinated Dibenzofuran. 1997
Operating Parameters to Minimize Emissions during Rotary Kiln Emergency Safety Vent Openings. 1994
Organic Emissions from Pilot-Scale Incineration of CFCS. 1993
Pilot-Scale Studies on the Effect of Bromine Addition on the Emissions of Chlorinated Organic Combustion By-products. 2001
Plant Uptake of Non-Ionic Organic Chemicals from Soils. 1988
Plant Uptake of Sludge-Borne PCBs. 1990
Prediction of the annual cycle of temperature changes in a stratified lake or reservoir; mathematical model and user's manual, 1971
Project summary for EPA/IFP European workshop on the emission of nitrous oxide from fossil fuel combustion : (Rueil-Malmaison, France, June 1-2, 1988) / 1989
QA Review of Papers and Reports: How This Differs from Peer Review. 1998
Real-Time Monitoring of a Hazardous Waste Incinerator with a Mobile Laboratory. 1987
Reburning Application to Firetube Package Boilers. 1987
Recommended Operating Procedure No. 2.3: Sampling and Analysis of Total Hydrocarbons from Sources by Continuous Emission Monitor. 1991
Regulatory impact analysis for the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule / 1998
Regulatory impact analysis for the stage 1 disinfectants /disinfection byproducts rule / 1998
Research on Emissions and Mitigation of POP's from Combustion Sources. 1999
Research on Emissions and Mitigation of POP's from Combustion Sources. 1998
Results of research related to stratospheric ozone protection : report to Congress / 1978
Results of the September 1997 DOE/EPA Demonstration of Multimetal Continuous Emission Monitoring Technologies. 1998
Risk assessment for organic micropollutants : U.S. point of view / 1991
Role of Rogue Droplet Combustion in Hazardous Waste Incineration. 1988
Sherris medical microbiology : an introduction to infectious diseases / 2004
Sludge organics bioavailability. / 1991
Source-Receptor Study of Volatile Organic Compounds and Particulate Matter in the Kanawha Valley, WV. 1. Methods and Descriptive Statistics. 1991
Source-Receptor Study of Volatile Organic Compounds and Particulate Matter in the Kanawha Valley, WV. 2. Analysis of Factors Contributing to VOC and Particle Exposures. 1991
Studies of Organic Pollutant Uptake by Plants. 1988
Summary data on substitutes for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 1981

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