Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Rudd AND T)

Select Item Title Year Published
Anaerobic digestion processes in industrial waste-water treatment 1986
Availability and Uptake of Inorganic Nitrogen in a Mixed Old-Growth Coniferous Forest. 1993
Cross-stack optical convolution velocimeter : development and evaluation of a breadboard design / 1979
Development of an optical convolution velocimeter for measuring stack flow / 1978
Effective project management : traditional, adaptive, extreme / 2003
Environmental toxicology / 1977
Fracking : The operations and environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing / 2013
Fracking the operations and environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing / [electronic resource] : 2013
Lawn mowers : noise and cost of abatement / 1974
Pesticides and the living landscape 1964
Pesticides: their use and toxicity in relation to wildlife / 1956
Remote sensing : a better view 1974
Soil survey, Beryl-Enterprise area, Utah / 1960
Subsurface liquid waste disposal and its feasibility in Pennsylvania / 1972

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