Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
32P-Postlabeling in Studies of PAH Activation. 1992
An instructional delivery system for manpower management / 1977
Aqueous Effluent Concentration for Application to Biotest Systems. 1982
Atlas of descriptive histology / 1977
Automatic Fish Tracking System for the U.S. E.P.A.'s (Environmental Protection Agency's) Monticello Ecological Research Station. 1981
Automatic radio tracking of fish in experimental channels / 1985
Chemical, biological and toxicological study of sediments from Indiana Harbor and canal and adjacent Lake Michigan 1989
Continued Assessment of a High-Velocity Fabric Filtration System Used to Control Fly Ash Emissions. 1984
Correlations between 31P n.m.r. Chemical Shifts and Structures of Some Organophosphorus Pesticides. 1970
Cost-effectiveness analysis of municipal wastewater reuse / 1975
Cost-effectiveness analysis of municipal wastewater reuse / 1975
Demonstration, operation, and testing of a fabric filter on an industrial boiler for an extended period of time / 1986
Determination of Methyl Mercury in Urine. 1973
Disposal of dilute pesticide solutions / 1978
Distribution of trace element emissions from the liquid injection incinerator combustion research facility / 1987
Distribution of Trace Element Emissions from the Liquid Injection Incinerator Combustion Research Facility. 1987
DNA Adduct Formation, Metabolism, and Morphological Transforming Activity of Aceanthrylene in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells. 1989
DNA Adducts and Induction of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in the Rat Following Benzo(b)-Fluoranthene Administration. 1992
DNA Adducts in Rat Lung, Liver and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Produces by i.p. Administration of Benzo(a)Pyrene Metabolites and Derivatives. 1991
DNA Isolation from Small Tissue Samples Using Salt and Spermine. 1991
Effects of External Radio Transmitters on Fish. 1980
Effects of suspended solids and sediment on reproduction and early life of warmwater fishes : a review / 1979
Environmental control of cell synthesis and function: the 5th International Symposium on the Continuous Culture of Micro-organisms, held at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, July 1971; 1972
EPA's indoor air quality and work environment study : relationships of employee's self-reported healthy symptoms with direct indoor air quality measurements / 1991
Estimating potential for occurrence of DNAPL at superfund sites : quick reference fact sheet / 1992
Estimating potential for occurrence of DNAPL at Superfund sites. 1992
Everyday bias : identifying and navigating unconscious judgments in our daily lives / 2014
Field application of a permeable reactive barrier for treatment of arsenic in ground water / 2008
Genotoxicity and Identification of the Major DNA-Adducts of Aceanthrylene. 1988
Geospatial data accuracy assessment / 2003
Ground water issue : performance evaluations of pump-and-treat remediations / 1989
High rate filtration of combined sewer overflows / 1972
Histology : a text and atlas / 1985
Impedance spectroscopy emphasizing solid materials and systems / 1987
Improved Sample Recovery in Thermocycle Sequencing Protocols. 1991
Indoor particle concentrations associated with use of tap water in portable humidifiers / 1988
Interfacing of an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with a Gas-Liquid Chromatograph for the Determination of Trace Quantities of Alkyl-Mercury Compounds in Fish Tissue. 1972
Ki-ras Oncogene Mutations in Tumors and DNA Adducts Formed by Benz(i)aceanthrylene and Benzo(a)pyrene in the Lungs of Strain A/J Mice. 1993
Light nonaqueous phase liquids / 1995
Light nonaqueous phase liquids / 1995
Loxahatchee River basin wetland planning project for Martin County : technical summary document / 2000
Man and nature : every living thing. 1976
Mechanical Properties of Uranium-Base Niobium Alloys. 1971
Metabolism of Benz(j)aceanthrylene (Cholanthrylene) and Benz(l)aceanthrylene by Induced Rat Liver S9 (Journal Version). 1988
Molecular Complexes of 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-Bis (p-Chlorophenyl) Ethane with Aromatic Donors. 1970
Monitoring Tailor-Made IV : Proceedings International Workshop on Information for sustainable Water Management / 2004
Morphological Transformation and DNA Adduct Formation by Benz(j)aceanthrylene and Its Metabolites in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells: Evidence for Both Cyclopenta-Ring and Bay-Region Metabolic Activation Pathways. 1991
Morphological Transformation and DNA Adduct Formation by Dibenz(a,h)anthracene and Its Metabolites in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells. 1994
Mutational Spectrum and Recombinogenic Effects Induced by Aminofluorene Adducts in Bacteriophage M13 (Journal Version). 1988
NO2 actinometer for field use / 1974
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