Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Rogers AND John AND M)

Select Item Title Year Published
Anatomy and histology of the channel catfish / 1976
Catalytic dehydrohalogenation : a chemical destruction method for halogenated organics. 1987
Chemical composition of snow in the northern Sierra Nevada and other areas, 1964
Developmental hazard assessment : evaluation of the adult to developmental (A/D) ratio and relationship of developmental to maternal toxicity / 2000
Developmental toxicity of inhaled methanol in the CD-1 mouse, with quantitative dose--response modeling for estimation of benchmark doses 1993
Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry / 2009
Genera of freshwater nematodes (Nematoda) of eastern North America / 1973
Microbial transformation kinetics of xenobiotics in aquatic environment / 1984
Summary data on substitutes for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 1981
The skeleton : biochemical, genetic, and molecular interactions in development and homeostasis / 2004

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