Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1991 Gulf War coastal and marine environmental consequences / 1993
A bibliography of papers dealing with the oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau : 1965 through 1982 / 1982
A model for estimating inputs to the Great Lakes from livestock enterprises in the Great Lakes Basin / 1978
A practical guide to toxicology and human health risk assessment / 2019
Activity patterns of California residents 1991
Administrative process 1980
Aircraft industry wastewater recycling / 1978
Aircraft industry wastewater recycling / 1978
Alternative Nonlinear Model for Estimating Second-Order Rate Coefficients for Biodegradation. 1987
Ambient hydrocarbon and ozone concentrations near a refinery : Lawrenceville, Illinois - 1974 / 1977
An ion-exchange process for recovery of chromate from pigment manufacturing / 1974
Analysis of airborne particles by physical methods 1978
Analysis of chlorine dioxide remediation of Washington, DC : Bacillus anthracis contamination / 2003
Analytical methods in oceanography : a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 168th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N.J., September 10-11, 1974 / 1975
Application of photochemical models / 1979
Application of Photochemical Models. Volume III. Recent Sensitivity Tests and other Applications of the LIRAQ Model. 1979
Application of Photochemical Models. Volume IV. A Comparison of the SAI Airshed Model and the LIRAQ Model. 1979
Application of Portable Microprocessor-Based System for Electrophysiological Field Testing of Neurotoxicity. 1986
Aquatic life and recreation : facts and fiction / 1978
Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests From Research to Field Implementation / [electronic resource] : 2007
Assessment of the Hepatotoxicity of Acute and Short-Term Exposure to Inhaled p-Xylene in F-344 Rats. 1991
Associations between water-quality trends in New Jersey streams and drainage-basin characteristics, 1975-86 / 1996
Atmospheric hydrocarbon concentrations in global background air samples 1977
Atmospheric turbidity over the United States from 1967 to 1976 / 1982
Atmospheric turbidity over the United States from 1967-1976 / 1982
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 1966
Automated data transfer 1987
Beyond pollution / 2013
Bibliography of the environmental law collection in the Pace University School of Law Library 1984
Biochemistry of alkaloids 1981
Biological-physical interactions in the sea / 2005
Biomarkers and risk assessment : concepts and principles. 1993
Capacity building for environmental law in the Asian and Pacific region : approaches and resources / 2003
Carcinogenic Activity Associated with Asphaltic and Coal Tar Coatings Used in Potable Water Mains. 1981
Carcinogenic Activity Associated with Halogenated Acetones and Acroleins in the Mouse Skin Assay. 1989
Carcinogenic Activity of Acrylamide in the Skin and Lung of Swiss-ICR Mice. 1984
Carcinogenic Activity of Haloacetonitriles and Haloacetone Derivatives in the Mouse Skin and Lung. 1984
Carcinogenic Effects in A/J Mice of Particulate of a Coal Tar Paint Used in Potable Water Systems. 1987
Carcinogenic Effects of Acrylamide in Sencar and A/J Mice. 1984
Carcinogenicity of Chloroform in Drinking Water to Male Osborne-Mendel Rats and Female B6C3F1 Mice. 1985
Cardiopathic Effect of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane after Subacute and Subchronic Exposure in Rats. 1991
Changes in the channel of the Lower Missouri River and effects on fish and wildlife 1974
Chemicals identified in animals, 1985-1986. vol. V, part 1-4 / 1987
Chemicals identified in humans, 1985-1986, vol. VIII / 1987
Climate change and migratory species / 2005
Coal Mine Related Stream Sediment Geochemistry in Southern Illinois. 1984
Comparative Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Activity of Coal Tar and Petroleum Asphalt Paints Used in Potable Water Supply Systems. 1984
Comparative environmental law and regulation / 1996
Comparative Subchronic Toxicity Studies of Three Disinfectants. 1990
Comparison of Measurement Strategies for Light Absorbing Aerosols from Modern Diesel Engines / 2014
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