Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 304
Showing: Items 101 - 150

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental law treaties of the United States 1997
Environmental legislation : a sourcebook 1976
Environmental regulation of real property 1982
EPA Workshop on N2O Emission from Combustion (Durham, NC, February 13-14, 1986) / 1987
EPA Workshop on N2O Emission from Combustion / 1986
Estimation of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in New England Streams using Spatially Referenced Regression Models. 2004
Evaluation of alternative methods for financing municipal waste treatment works / 1975
Evaluation of environmental investments procedures manual : interim, cost effectiveness and incremental cost analysis / 1995
Evaluation of maintenance management system at Lower Potomac Wastewater Treatment Plant, Fairfax County, Virginia 1981
Evaluation of MTF for Testing Hazardous Material Spill Control Equipment. 1974
Evaluation of Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Properties of Brominated and Chlorinated Acetonitriles: By-Products of Chlorination. 1985
Experimental studies on cancer ... 1935
Extreme weather, health, and communities : interdisciplinary engagement strategies / 2016
Field testing : application of combustion modifications to control pollutant emissions from industrial boilers, phase I / 1974
Final report for the comprehensive abatement performance study. 1996
Final technical report : contribution of natural hydrocarbon emissions to the overall hydrocarbon burden / 1979
Five-Year Follow-up Study of Children with Low-to-Moderate Lead Absorption: Electrophysiological Evaluation. 1985
Flow cytometry / 1994
Fortune. 1930
Fourier and Laplace transforms, 1968
From a pasture to a silvopasture system. 2000
From pine forest to a silvopasture system 2000
Fuels from biomass technology and feasibility / 1980
Fundamental concepts of biology 1970
Fuzzy Modeling with Spatial Information for Geographic Problems [electronic resource] / 2005
Gaseous and particulate sulfur compounds in urban atmospheres / 1975
General description of the Pawnee site / 1969
Genetic engineering and new pollution control technologies 1984
Genetic engineering and the development of new pollution control technologies / 1984
Genetic engineering and the development of new pollution control technologies : Research Planning Task Group study 1983
Genetic Engineering and the Development of New Pollution Control Technologies. 1984
Geohydrology, Water Quality, and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow in the Vicinity of a Former Waste-Oil Refinery near Westville, Indiana, 1997-2000. 2002
Geologic map of the North Scituate quadrangle, Rhode Island : surficial geology / 1961
Geological, geophysical, and engineering investigations of the Loveland Basin landslide, Clear Creek County, Colorado, 1963-65 1972
Geology and ground-water resources of the Harney basin, Oregon 1939
Ground water in the Prineville area Crook County, Oregon 1963
Ground-water conditions and geologic reconnaissance of the upper Sevier River Basin, Utah / 1967
Ground-water hydrology of the San Pitch River drainage basin, Sanpete County, Utah, 1971
Ground-water map of the North Scituate quadrangle, Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1960
Ground-water resources of the Sevier River Basin between Yuba Dam and Leamington Canyon, Utah 1968
Handbook of spectroscopy / 1974
Hazardous chemical spill cleanup. 1979
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Nitrophenols with a Swept-Potential Electrochemical Detector. 1984
Highways and our environment. 1971
History of public works in the United States, 1776-1976 1976
How to think on your feet so you don't fall on your face / 2008
IBP Grasslands Biome budget program / 1970
IGFs : local repair and survival factors throughout life span / 2010
IGFs:Local Repair and Survival Factors Throughout Life Span [electronic resource] / 2010
In vitro microbiological mutagenecity and unscheduled DNA synthesis studies of fifteen pesticides / 1985
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