Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Richards AND M AND K)

Select Item Title Year Published
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Demonstration Program. 1995
EPA SITE demonstration of the Horsehead Resource Development Company flame reactor technology / 1992
EPA SITE Demonstration of the Sonotech Frequency-Tunable Pulse Combustion System. Volume 2. 1995
Incineration Treatment of Arsenic-Contaminated Soil. 1991
Incinerator Operating Parameters which Correlate with Performance. 1986
Pilot-Scale Incinerability Evaluation of Arsenic-and Lead-Contaminated Soils from Two Superfund Sites. 1991
Pilot-Scale Incineration of PCB-Contaminated Sediments from the Hot Spot of the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site. 1992
Present and Future EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Incineration Research Facility. 1989
Relationship between CO, POHC, and PIC Emissions from a Simulated Hazardous Waste Incinerator. 1989
Relationships between Laboratory and Pilot-Scale Combustion of Some Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. 1989
Remedial action, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste : proceedings of the seventeenth annual Hazardous Waste Research Symposium : Cincinnati, OH, April 9-11, 1991 / 1991
Spray Combustion Studies of Surrogate Hazardous Waste Incineration. 1988
Testing the Performance of Continuous Emission Monitors for Measuring Trace Metal and Organic Species Emissions from Incinerators. 1996
The Formulation of PICs from the combustion of chlorinated materials / 1988
Turbulent Flame Reactor Studies of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Destruction Efficiency. 1989
U.S. EPA's Evaluation of a Texaco Gasification Technology. 1995

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