Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Rice AND G AND E)

Select Item Title Year Published
Atmospheric Transport of Toxaphene to Lake Michigan. 1986
Bioassay Procedures for Predicting Coliform Bacterial Growth in Drinking Water. 1990
Conducting a risk assessment of mixtures of disinfection by-products (DBPS) for drinking water treatment systems [electronic resource] . 2000
Correlation of Coliform Growth Response with Other Water Quality Parameters. 1991
Disinfection with ozone based on papers presented at a forum held June 2-4, 1976, Chicago, Illinois / 1977
Evaluation of Sedimentation and Filtration for Microorganism Removal. 1985
Mercury study report to Congress : SAB review draft. 1996
Mercury study report to Congress. 1997
Near critical CO2 extraction of hazardous organics from acrylonitrile, pesticide and steel mill wastes / 1987
Ozone : analytical aspects & odor control, including abstracts of published articles on odor control with ozone : based on papers presented at a workshop held October 3, 1975, in Miami Beach, Florida 1976
Ozone for industrial water and wastewater treatment : a literature survey / 1980
Ozone for industrial water and wastewater treatment : an annotated bibliography / 1980
Ozone for water & wastewater treatment : {proceedings} : based on papers presented at the First International Symposium on Ozone for Water & Wastewater Treatment, December 2-5, 1973 / 1975
Ozone treatment of industrial wastewater 1981
Practical experience in analysis or organic compounds in ambient air using canisters and sorbents. {microfiche} 1990
Serological Cross-Reactions between 'Escherichia coli' O157 and other Species of the Genus 'Escherichia'. 1992
The feasibility of performing cumulative risk assessments for mixtures of disinfection by-products in drinking water / 2003

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