Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Rice AND E AND W)

Select Item Title Year Published
'Klebsiella' Occurrence, Significance and Detection in Water Systems: A Progress Report. 1985
1989 urban air toxics monitoring program / 1990
Assay for beta-Glucuronidase in Species of the Genus 'Escherichia' and Its Applications for Drinking-Water Analysis. 1991
Assay of Beta-Glucuronidase in Non-coli Escherichia Using EC-Mug Medium and the Colilert (Trade Name) System. 1990
Association between Serum Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Thyroid Disease in the NHANES Study. 2010
Bioassay Procedures for Predicting Coliform Bacterial Growth in Drinking Water. 1990
Comparative Resistance of 'Escherichia coli' and Enterococci to Chlorination. 1992
Comparison of Animal Infectivity and Excystation as Measures of 'Giardia muris' Cyst Inactivation by Chlorine. 1985
Comparison of Membrane Filter, Multiple-Fermentation-Tube, and Presence-Absence Techniques for Detecting Total Coliforms in Small Community Water Systems. 1986
Continuing March of Legionnaires Disease: UV May Be Best Control Weapon in a Weak Arsenal. 1990
Correlation of Coliform Growth Response with Other Water Quality Parameters. 1991
Determination of 'Giardia lamblia' Cyst Infective Dose for the Mongolian Gerbil ('Meriones unguiculatus'). 1991
Determining the Nutrient Status of Drinking Water. 1989
Disinfection and the Control of Waterborne Giardiasis. 1984
Effect of Aggregation on 'Vibrio cholerae' Inactivation. 1994
Efficacy of beta-Glucuronidase Assay for Identification of 'Escherichia coli' by the Defined-Substrate Technology. 1990
Energy and nitrogen flow through cattle on the shortgrass prairie. 1975
Evaluation of Sedimentation and Filtration for Microorganism Removal. 1985
Factors Promoting 'In vitro' Excystation of 'Giardia muris' Cysts. 1984
Identifying Escherichia Species with Biochemical Test Kits and Standard Bacteriological Tests. 1993
Inactivation of 'Escherichia coli' by Titanium Dioxide Photocatalytic Oxidation. 1993
Inactivation of Microorganisms. 1991
Inactivation of Particle-Associated Coliforms by Chlorine and Monochloramine. 1988
Mercury study report to Congress : SAB review draft. 1996
Mercury study report to Congress. 1997
Monitoring for Indicator Bacteria in Small Water Systems. 1987
Near critical CO2 extraction of hazardous organics from acrylonitrile, pesticide and steel mill wastes / 1987
Occurrence, Significance, and Detection of 'Klebsiella' in Water Systems. 1987
Ozonation and biological stability of water in an operating water treatment plant. / 1990
Preliminary Investigation of the Occurrence of 'Legionella' Spp. and Other Aquatic Bacteria in Chemically Contaminated Ground Water Treated by Aeration. 1985
Presence-Absence Coliform Test for Monitoring Drinking Water Quality. 1989
Rapid Glutamate Decarboxylase Assay for Detection of 'Escherichia coli'. 1993
Searching for a Water Supply Connection in the Cabool, Missouri Disease Outbreak of 'Escherichia coli' 0157:H7. 1992
Serological Cross-Reactions between 'Escherichia coli' O157 and other Species of the Genus 'Escherichia'. 1992
Standard methods for the examination of water & wastewater. 2005
U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) perspective on AOC (Assimilable Organic Carbon) research as related to coliform colonization and compliance problem {microfiche} 1990
Vibrio cholerae 01 Can Assume a 'Rugose' Survival Form That Resists Killing by Chlorine, Yet Retains Virulence. 1993

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