Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Rhodes AND L AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison between english sole diseases in Commencement Bay and in selected nonurban embayments / 1986
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data (Journal Version). 1986
Comments regarding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's draft fiscal year 2001 annual compliance assistance activity plan / 2000
EPA Sector Program plan 2001-2005 : as endorsed by the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) and the NACEPT Sector Committee / 2000
Facility plan for the control and treatment of combined sewer overflows to the Saginaw River 1981
Investigation of HFC-236ea and HFC-236fa as CFC-114 Replacements in High-Temperature Heat Pumps. 1994
Maximizing compliance assistance : recommendations for enhancing compliance assistance opportunities at EPA and through other providers / 2001
Mine drainage in the Susquehanna River Basin / 1968
Mobile air conditioner refrigerant evaluation / 1989
Overview of Controls for Chlorofluorocarbons. 1988
Recommendations regarding : options for use of funds by states and tribes / 2001
Recycle and disposal options for CFC's and halons. {microfiche} /by Dale J. Harmon and William J. Rhodes. 1990
Report and recommendations : April 1998 - August 1998 / 1999
Treatment of Aqueous Waste Streams from KRW Energy Systems Coal Gasification Technology. 1984
Use of sewage sludge for forest-tree seedling production / 1985

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