Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Regli AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
Adsorption techniques in drinking water treatment : papers and discussion from the NATO/CCMS symposium held in Reston, Virginia, USA, April 30 through May 2, 1979 / 1984
Analysis of potential trade-offs in regulation of disinfection by-products : exhibits and appendix material / 1992
Analysis of potential trade-offs in regulation of disinfection by-products. 1992
Development of 'Giardia C.t' Values for the Surface Water Treatment Rule. 1993
Filtration, Disinfection and Microbial Monitoring. Proceedings of a Workshop. Held in Baltimore, Maryland on April 23-25, 1985. 1995
Framework for decision making : an EPA perspective. 1992
Inactivation of 'Giardia lamblia' by Free Chlorine: A Mathematical Model. 1991
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 1: Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Analysis Model (DBP-RAM). Part 1: Model Development. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 1: Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Analysis Model (DBP-RAM). Part 2: Critical Reviews and Refinements Made to Support REG-NEG. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 2: REG-NEG Technologies Working Group Working Papers/Analysis of Regulatory Alternatives. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 3: REG-NEG Technologies Working Group Working Papers/Assessment of Technology Performance and Cost. 1994
Simulation of compliance choices for the disinfection by-products regulatory impact analysis / 1992
Simulation of microbial occurrence, exposure and health risks after drinking water treatment processes / 1992
Simulation of raw water and treatment parameters in support of the disinfection by-products regulatory impact analysis / 1992
The effectiveness of slow sand filtration in total coliform removal / 1999
Use of microbial risk assessment in setting U.S. drinking water standards / 1992
Use of microbial risk assessment in setting U.S. drinking water standards / 1992
Workshop on filtration, disinfection and microbial monitoring / 1987

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