Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1970 insect studies at Osage comprehensive site / 1971
A General design schema for an operational geographic information system / 1977
A guide to respiratory protection for the asbestos abatement industry : a technical report / 1987
A Guide to respiratory protection for the asbestos abatement industry : a technical report / 1986
A handbook of key federal regulations and criteria for multimedia environmental control / 1979
Abbreviated listing of data sets relating to Chesapeake Bay compiled under EPA contract no. 68-01-3994 1978
Air pollution source inspection safety procedures : student manual / 1985
Alternative access management strategies for marine and coastal protected areas : a reference manual for their development and assessment / 2000
An engineering-economic study of cooling pond performance / 1970
An evaluation of the high-volume method for determining suspended particulates over short sampling times : Final report / 1974
An experimental study of drag forces and other performance criteria of baffle blocks in hydraulic jumps / 1970
An Interim process evaluation of the AEES "living machine" : Frederick County, Md. / 1996
An investigation of techniques for removal of cyanide from electroplating wastes / 1971
Animal physiology : adaptations in function / 1981
Animal waste composting with carbonaceous material / 1978
Appraisal of stream sedimentation in the Susquehanna River Basin / 1972
Aquaculture systems for wastewater treatment : an engineering assessment / 1981
Aquaculture systems for wastewater treatment : an engineering assessment / 1980
Aquaculture systems for wastewater treatment : seminar proceedings and engineering assessment / 1979
Aquatic community classification pilot for the San Miguel River Watershed / 1999
Area source emission inventory for York County, South Carolina : final report / 1978
Assessment of environmental aspects of uranium mining and milling / 1976
Atmospheric dispersion modeling at the Rock Flats Plant : progress report December 1981 through December 1985 1986
Availability of water for irrigation in the South Fork Solomon River Valley, Webster Reservoir to Waconda Lake, north-central Kansas 1986
Bibliography of reports by members of the U.S. Geological Survey on the water resources of Alaska, 1870 through 1976 1977
Biomass gasification principles and technology / 1981
Biomass-to-Methanol Specialists' Workshop proceedings : March 3-5, 1982, Tamarron, Durango, Colorado / 1984
Biotechnology : a comprehensive treatise in 8 volumes / 1981
Biotechnology a multi-volume comprehensive treatise / 1900
Braxton sonic agglomerator evaluation / 1974
Cadmium Sulfate Application to Sludge-Amended Soils. 1. Effect on Yield and Cadmium Availability to Plants. 1987
Calculating sediment discharge from a highway construction site in central Pennsylvania / 1985
CDC Health information for international travel 2008 / 2007
Changes in the Zooplankton Community in Response to Reductions in Nutrient Loading to Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) : Project Summary / 1983
Changes in the Zooplankton Community in Response to Reductions in Nutrient Loading to Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron). 1983
Characterization of priority pollutants from an airplane parts manufacturing facility / 1980
Charleston, South Carolina air quality maintenance planning and analysis annex : analysis of industrial process fugitive emissions / 1978
Coast and shelf of the Beaufort Sea proceedings of a Symposium on Beaufort Sea Coast and Shelf Research / 1974
Common eider : Somateria mollissima / 2000
Comparing Three Sampling Designs for Monitoring Coliforms in Small Community Water Systems. 1987
Comparison of Membrane Filter, Multiple-Fermentation-Tube, and Presence-Absence Techniques for Detecting Total Coliforms in Small Community Water Systems. 1986
Comparison of Pilot Data with Predictions from the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) SPRAYMOD Computer Program. 1986
Comparison of pilot plant data with predictions from the U.S. EPA SPRAYMOD computer program / 1986
Comparison of Selected Operational Capabilities of Fifty-four Geographic Information Systems. 1977
Constructed Wetland Design: the First Generation. 1992
Copyright primer for librarians and educators 1987
Cost effective use of municipal wastewater treatment ponds / 1978
Cost of land treatment systems / 1979
Cost of Land Treatment Sytems. 1979
Cultural benefits from metropolitan river recreation--San Antonio prototype / 1972
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