Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Ray AND William AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
Emission from in-use heavy-duty gasoline trucks / 1984
Emissions from a light-duty diesel : ambient temperature and fuel effects / 1985
Habitat suitability index models, American eider (breeding) / 1988
Influence of ambient temperature of tailpipe emissions from 1984-1987 model year light-duty gasoline motor vehicles {microform} 1989
Physical hydrography and dispersion, in a segment of the Chesapeake Bay adjacent to the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 1979
Preliminary evaluation of a method using an FID for measurement of methanol in auto emissions / 1987
Recognition of air pollution injury to vegetation : a pictorial atlas / 1998
Salinity of the ground water in western Pinal County, Arizona, 1966
Science Advisory Board's review of the document "Reaction kinetics and reaction products of chlorine and chloramines in the digestive tract" / 1990
Seasonal impact of blending oxygenated organics with gasoline on motor vehicle tailpipe and evaporative emissions / 1990
X-Ray Emission from Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes Used for Educational Purposes. 1970

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