Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A GC/MS data management process / 1984
Analysis of Emissions from Residential Natural Gas Furnaces. 1994
Analysis of trace-level organic combustion process emissions using novel multidimensional gas chromatography - mass spectrometry procedures / 1999
Application of low NOx precombustor technology to the incineration of nitrogenated wastes / 1989
Application of staged combustion and reburning to the co-firing of nitrogenated wastes: chemical and biological analyses [microfiche] / 1990
Atmospheric Deposition of Toxic Metals, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and Nitrogen onto Massachusetts Bays. (Parts One and Two). Report to the Massachusetts Bays Program. 1996
Batch-feeding studies on high-solids activated sludge for treating concentrated human waste 1968
Bench-Scale Studies on the Simultaneous Formation of PCBs and PCDDs/Fs from Combustion Systems. 2000
Bioavailability to Plants of Sludge-Borne Toxic Organics. 1992
Biodegradation of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid in Liquid Culture and in Soil by the White Rot Fungus 'Phanerochaete chrysosporium'. 1989
Business statistics of the United States, 2013 : patterns of economic change / 2014
Cadmium Sulfate Application to Sludge-Amended Soils. 1. Effect on Yield and Cadmium Availability to Plants. 1987
Characterization of air emissions from the simulated open combustion of fiberglass materials / 1993
Characterization of Air Pollutants Emitted from a Simulated Scrap Tire Fire. 1993
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open burning of scrap tires / 1989
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open burning of scrap tires / 1990
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open burning of scrap tires : project summary / 1990
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open-burning of non-metallic automobile shredder residue / 1993
Chemical and Biological Characterization of Products of Incomplete Combustion from the Simulated Field Burning of Agricultural Plastic. 1989
CO/CO2 NDIR analyzer replacement / 1990
Consequences of prolonged inhalation of ozone on Fisher-344/N rats, collaborative studies. 1994
Control of mercury emissions from coal-fired electric utility boilers : interim report, including errata dated 3-21-02 / 2002
Control of Trace Metal Species in Combustion Systems. 1994
Demonstration of multimetal continuous emission monitors for real-time measurement of trace hazardous metals / 1997
Development and Evaluation of Mercury CEMS for Combustion Emissions Monitoring. 2001
Development of a hazardous waste incinerator target analyte list of products of incomplete combustion : final report / 1998
Development of a method for the speciation of source mercury emissions / 1998
Development of PIC Target Analyte List for Hazardous Waste Incineration Processes. 1996
Development of Sampling and Analytical Methods for the Measurement of Nitrous Oxide from Fossil Fuel Combustion Sources. 1993
Effects of Aqueous Al, Cd, Cu, Fe(II), Ni, and Zn on Pb Immobilization by Hydroxyapatite. 1994
Effects of composted municipal sludge on soilborne plant pathogens / 1988
Effects of NO3(-), Cl(-), F(-), SO4(2-), and CO3(2-) on Pb(2+) Immobilization by Hydroxyapatite. 1994
Emissions of Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Combustion of Pulverized Coal in a Small-Scale Combustor. 1994
Emissions of polychlorinated biphenyls as products of incomplete combustion from incinerators 1999
Enhanced Formation of Dioxins and Furans from Combustion Devices by Addition of Trace Quantities of Bromine. 1998
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Nippon Instruments Corporation Model AM-2 Elemental Mercury Continuous Emission Monitor. 2001
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Nippon Instruments Corporation Model MS-1/DM-5 Mercury Continuous Emission Monitor. 2001
EPA/IERL-RTP procedures manual : level 2 sampling and analysis of oxidized inorganic compounds / 1979
EPA/IFP (Environmental Protection Agency/Institute Francais du Petrole) European Workshop on the Emission of Nitrous Oxide from Fossil Fuel Combustion (Rueil-Malmaison, France, June 1-2, 1988). 1989
Estimating critical loads of sulfate to surface waters in the Northeastern United States : a comparative assessment of three procedures for estimating critical loads of sulfate for lakes / 1993
Evaluation of the Behavior of Flame Ionization Detection Total Hydrocarbon Continuous Emission Monitors at Low Concentrations. 1998
Evaluation of volatilization of hazardous constituents at hazardous waste land treatment sites 1986
Experimental investigation of PIC formation in CFC incineration / 1991
Exposures to Acidic Aerosols. 1989
Full-Scale Laboratory Simulation Facility to Test Particulate and Organic Emissions from a Third World Residential Combustion Process. III Evaluation of a Potential Technique for the Control of Emissions from the Indoor, Open Hearth Combustion of Coal. 1992
GC/MS (Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer) Data Management Process. Part 1. User's Guide, Version 1.0. 1984
Ground-water flow and contaminant transport at a radioactive-materials processing site, Wood River Junction, Rhode Island / 1997
Ground-water map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1960
Heavy metals and toxic organic pollutants in MSW-composts : research results on phytoavailability, bioavailability, fate, etc. / 1994
Hydrogeology and results of aquifer tests in the vicinity of a hazardous-waste disposal site near Byron, Illinois 1989
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