Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 48
Showing: Items 1 - 48

Select Item Title Year Published
A coupled two-dimensional diffusion and chemistry model for turbulent and inhomogeneously mixed reaction systems / 1973
Adsorption of Surfactants on Selected Minerals. 1966
Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of the Underbody of a Class-8 Tractor-Trailer / 2006
Application of ecosystem modeling methodologies to dredged material research 1976
Are children more vulnerable to environmental chemicals? : scientific and regulatory issues in perspective / 2003
Aseptic Sampling of Unconsolidated Heaving Soils in Saturated Zones. 1991
Calculus / 1994
Central Adrenergic Receptor Changes in the Inherited Noradrenergic Hyperinnervated Mutant Mouse Tottering (Journal Version). 1987
Control of Chromaffin Cell Development and Adrenomedullary Function in the Neonate. 1988
Development of Serotonergic and Adrenergic Receptors in the Rat Spinal Cord: Effects of Neonatal Chemical Lesions and Hyperthyroidism. 1985
Distribution of trace element emissions from the liquid injection incinerator combustion research facility / 1987
Distribution of Trace Element Emissions from the Liquid Injection Incinerator Combustion Research Facility. 1987
DNA Adducts and Induction of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in the Rat Following Benzo(b)-Fluoranthene Administration. 1992
DNA Isolation from Small Tissue Samples Using Salt and Spermine. 1991
Environmental epidemiology : risk assessment : proceedings of a conference sponsored by SIAM Institute of Mathematics and Society and supported by the Department of Energy 1982
Environmental impacts of marinas and their boats : a literature review with management considerations 1978
EPA's indoor air quality and work environment study : relationships of employee's self-reported healthy symptoms with direct indoor air quality measurements / 1991
Equality of opportunity and the importance of place : summary of a workshop / 2002
Final Report to the California Department of Food and Agriculture for Contract Agreement No. 98-0241. Data Quality of California's Pesticide Use Report. 2001
Gap junctions : proceedings of the International Conference on Gap Junctions held at Pacific Grove, California, July 6-10, 1987 / 1988
Geologic map of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico / 1970
Introduction to ordinary differential equations 1974
Isotopic composition of carbon monoxide in St. Louis, Missouri area / 1976
Manual on in-situ burning of oil spills at sea / 1995
Mid-Atlantic stressor profile atlas 1999
Modern statistical methods in chronic disease epidemiology : proceedings of a conference / 1986
Monitoring groundwater quality : economic framework and principles / 1976
North American Landscape Characterization (NALC) - Pathfinder project : research plan / 1993
Operation and maintenance costs for municipal wastewater treatment facilities in Canada, 1980 / 1984
PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl) Trial Burn Report for the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Combustion Research Facility Liquid Injection Incinerator System. 1987
PCB trial burn report for the U.S. EPA combustion research facility liquid injection incinerators system / 1987
Pilot-scale incineration test burn of TCDD-contaminated trichlorophenol production waste / 1987
Precursor analysis for offshore oil and gas drilling : from prescriptive to risk-informed regulation / 2011
Preliminary review of some aspects of subchronic toxicity tests 0
Regulation of Adrenal Chromaffin Cell Development by the Central Monoaminergic System: Differential Control of Norepinephrine and Epinephrine Levels and Secretory Responses (Journal Version). 1987
Remote sensing of oil spills 1974
Report of the 21, 22 September 1983 meeting 1985
Statistical issues in environmental monitoring and assessment of anthropogenic pollution / 1997
Study of the effects of stream channelization and bank stabilization on warmwater sport fish in Iowa : subproject no. 2, a study of the impact of selected bank stabilization structures on game fish and associated organisms / 1975
Synopsis of common and economic Illinois ants, with keys to the genera (Hymenoptera, formididae) 1971
Systems Reliability and Performance: Pilot-Scale Incineration of Chlorinated Benzenes at the Combustion Research Facility. 1984
Technology assessment of aquaculture systems for municipal wastewater treatment 1984
Technology assessment of aquaculture systems for municipal wastewater treatment / 1984
Teflon and human health : do the charges stick? : assessing the safety of the chemical PFOA / 2005
The statistical analysis of failure time data / 1980
Thomas' calculus. 2001
Transient emissions from No. 2 diesel and biodiesel blends in a DDC series 60 engine / 1996
Wildflowers of the Western Cascades 1988

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