Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9

Select Item Title Year Published
A Manual for conducting field screening for subsurface gasoline contamination. / 1990
Abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton along an inshore-offshore transect in Onslow Bay, North Carolina / 1994
Computer Code (RVRDOS) to Calculate Population Doses from Radioactive Liquid Effluents and an Application to Nuclear Power Reactors on the Mississippi River Basin. 1976
Delineation of Pacific northwest SAVS from aerial photography : natural color or color infrared film / 1999
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Ichthyoplankton adjacent to live-bottom habitats in Onslow Bay, North Carolina 1998
Mapping spatial/temporal distributions of green macroalgae in a Pacific northwest coastal estuary via small format color infrared aerial photography / 2000
Symposium on Pneumocystis carinii infection 1976
Vertical Mixing of Lake Sediments by Tubificid Oligochaetes. 1980

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