Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 87
Showing: Items 51 - 87

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Select Item Title Year Published
Managed Ecosystems and CO2 Case Studies, Processes, and Perspectives / [electronic resource] : 2006
Mathematical model of the Columbia River from the Pacific Ocean to Bonneville Dam / 1969
Methoxychlor and DDT Degradation in Water: Rates and Products. 1977
Microstaining and disinfection of combined sewer overflows : phase II / 1973
Modeling the fate of toxic organic materials in aquatic environments / 1982
Particulate carbon, atmospheric life cycle 1982
Performance of trickling filter plants : reliability, stability and variability {Microfiche} / 1981
Phosphate removal in an activated sludge facility / 1974
Pollution of the Detroit River, Michigan Waters of Lake Erie, and Their Tributaries. Findings. 1965
Pollution of the Detroit River, Michigan Waters of Lake Erie, and Their Tributaries. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations. 1965
Practical spectroscopy / 1948
Precipitation scavenging, dry deposition, and resuspension : proceedings of the fourth international conference, Santa Monica, California, 29 November-3 December 1982 1983
Prediction of Photochemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment. 1978
Proceedings : 1986 Joint Symposium on Dry SO2 and Simultaneous SO2/NO [subscript x] Control Technologies / 1987
Proceedings of the Conference / 1975
Proceedings of the Conference: Air Quality Impact for Application in Land Use and Transportation Planning, June 24-26, 1974 Berkeley, California. 1975
Promising strategies for reserving instream flows / 1977
Quality Control Practices in Processing Air Pollution Samples. 1973
Rain Forest Project. Annual Report. 1970
Relationship between diameter and height for the design of a swirl concentrator as a combined sewer overflow regulator / 1974
Relaxation between Pore Water Chemistry and Benthic Fluxes of Nutrients and Manganese in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. 1980
Report on pollution of the Detroit River, Michigan waters of Lake Erie and their tributaries : summary, conclusions and recommendation / 1965
Report on pollution of the Detroit River, Michigan waters of Lake Erie, and their tributaries : findings / 1965
Response surfaces, mixtures, and ridge analyses / 2007
Results of an adaptive environmental assessment modeling workshop concerning potential impacts of drilling muds and cuttings on the marine environment 1982
Review of New Source Performance Standards for Coal-Fired Utility Boilers, Phase Three Report, Sensitivity Studies for the Selection of a Revised Standard. 1979
Salinity, runoff and wind measurements, Yaquina Estuary, Oregon, April 1967-October 1968, 1970
Science Advisory Board letter report on research-in-progress review of ORD's "constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment." 1992
Singlet Oxygen in Natural Waters. 1977
Statistical analysis of geological data / 1980
Survival of large mouth bass embryos at low dissolved oxygen concentrations. 1969
Technical Challenges of Multipollutant Air Quality Management [electronic resource] / 2011
The contribution of urban planning to air quality / 1974
The helical bend combined sewer overflow regulator / 1975
Transcendental thermodynamics / 2012
United States statutes at large, containing the laws and concurrent resolutions ... and reorganization plan, amendment to the Constitution, and proclamations. 1845
[Assessment of Quincy Bay contamination]. 1988
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