Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 86
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air quality management and land use planning legal, administrative, and methodological perspectives 1974
Ammonia removal from wastewater by ligand exchange / 1976
An Implementation plan for suspended particulate matter in the Phoenix area / 1977
Annotated bibliography on bald and golden eagles in Washington 1980
Assessment of the potential for transport of dioxins and codisposed materials to groundwater 1989
Basic Study of Air Pollution Control Wet Scrubbers. 1966
Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology / 2001
Carcinogenic effects of Black Rock Harbor sediment on American oysters and winter flounder / 1987
Chemical and photochemical transformation of selected pesticides in aquatic systems / 1976
Chemistry of chlorine in estuarine waters 1977
Chemistry of Organomercurials in Aquatic Systems. 1973
Climatological summaries of the lower few kilometers of rawinsonde observations / 1979
Comparison of Photochemical Behavior of Various Humic Substances in Water: I. Sunlight Induced Reactions of Aquatic Pollutants Photosensitized by Humic Substances. 1981
Comparison of Photochemical Behavior of Various Humic Substances in Water: II. Photosensitized Oxygenations. 1980
Confronting climate change in the Great Lakes region : impacts on our communities and ecosystems / 2003
Control schemes for the activated-sludge / 1974
Development and characterization of oxidation catalysts for air purification 1987
Development of computerized emission projection and allocation system : phase 2 comparison of existing systems / 1977
Disposal of solid aluminum process wastes in the ocean / 1969
Dust control and air cleaning, 1974
Ecology and management of blackbirds (Icteridae) in North America / 2017
Ecology of inland waters and estuaries / 1976
Economic Model of an Area's Response to Depletion of its Water Resources. 1972
Empirical model-building and response surfaces / 1987
Endotoxins, Algae and 'Limulus' Amoebocyte Lysate Test in Drinking Water. 1980
Environment and resources of seamounts in the North Pacific proceedings of a workshop, March 21-23, 1984, Shimizu, Japan / 1986
Environmental ethics : divergence and convergence / 1993
Environmental health and safety for hazardous waste sites / 2002
Extreme weather, health, and communities : interdisciplinary engagement strategies / 2016
Finite-difference methods for partial differential equations / 1960
Geometry of metal distribution in five veins of the Fresnillo Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico / 1967
Geosystem; dynamic integration of land, sea, and air 1970
Guideline for development of control strategies in areas with fugitive dust problems. 1977
Halocarbon production from oxidative biocides in estuarine waters 1981
Halocarbon Production from Oxidative Biocides in Estuarine Waters. 1981
High Sensitivity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy of Laboratory Aqueous Solutions and of Natural Missouri Waters. A Feasibility Study. 1973
High-Resolution Solenoid Coil Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Probe for Superconducting Magnet Spectrometers. 1980
Hypolimnion aeration with commercial oxygen. 1974
Hypolimnion aeration with commercial oxygen. Volume II, Bubble plume gas transfer / 1973
Identification and control of petrochemical pollutants inhibitory to anaerobic processes / 1973
Impact of Chemical Waste Evaporation Ponds on Waterfowl and Potential Mitigation 0
Implementation Plan for Suspended Particulate Matter in the Los Angeles Region. 1975
Implementation Plan for Suspended Particulate Matter in the Phoenix Area. Volume I. Air Quality Analysis. 1977
Implementation Plan for Suspended Particulate Matter in the Phoenix Area. Volume II. Emission Inventory. 1977
Imprint of the past : Ecological history of New Bedford harbor / 2001
Interbasin Transfer or Migration: An Economic Analysis of Two Responses to Ground Water Depletion. 1973
Kinetics of Chemical Degradation of Malathion in Water. 1976
Land systems inventory Boise National Forest, Idaho : a basic inventory for planning and management / 1975
Light as an ecological factor, II : the 16th symposium of the British Ecological Society, 26-28 March, 1974 1975
Managed Ecosystems and CO2 Case Studies, Processes, and Perspectives / [electronic resource] : 2006
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