Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1992 Presidential Classroom volunteer instructors. 1991
A comparison of summer stream temperatures in unmanaged and managed sub-basins of Washington's western Olympic Peninsula / 1995
A compilation of SO2 and NOx continuous emission monitor reliability information ; prepared by James W. Peeler ; prepared for Louis R. Paley ... [et al.]. 1983
A computer program for sample size computations for banding studies / 1989
A demonstrated approach for improving performance and reliability of biological wastewater treatment plants / 1979
A Generalized Chemical Balance Analysis Tool for Combustion and Catalytic Reactions / 2005
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A guide to the study of fresh-water biology : with special reference to aquatic insects and other invertebrate animals and phyto-plancton / 1955
A History of Atmospheric CO2 and Its Effects on Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems [electronic resource] / 2005
A manual of laws, regulations, and institutions for control of ground water pollution / 1976
A method for the measurement of atmospheric ozone using the absorption of ozone in the visible spectrum / 1954
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
A Primer for financial analysis of pollution prevention projects / 1993
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors, documentation for the coal sulfur variability data base and analytical program / 1980
A Step-by-step approach to development of NPDES and RCRA permits. 1981
A study of flow reduction and treatment of waste water from households / 1969
A summary of toxic substances information for the Chattanooga metropolitan area : Tennessee - Georgia / 1979
Accident precursor analysis and management : reducing technological risk through diligence / 2004
Acid deposition and the West : a scientific assessment / 1986
Activity of Environmental Samples in a Cell Culture Test for Asbestos Toxicity. 1980
Acute Lethality of Copper, Cadmium, and Zinc to Northern Squawfish. 1980
Additional data on treatability of Mt. St. Helens ash 1980
Adsorption of Organic Compounds onto Solids from Aqueous Solutions. 1971
Adsorption of Organic Compounds onto Solids from Aqueous Solutions. 1969
Aerosol preparation, generation, and assessment : Project Hare / 1970
Aggressive Water: Assessing the Extent of the Problem. 1980
Agriculture and ground water quality : examining the issues : (a collection of papers) / 1989
Agrochemicals handbook 1991
Air emissions from residential heating : the wood heating option put into environmental perspective / 1998
Air pollutant emissions related to land area : a basis for a preventive air pollution control program / 1968
Air pollution and freshwater ecosystems : sampling, analysis, and quality assurance / 2015
Air quality non-attainment areas in Region V / 1982
Air sampling procedures and measurements of the air composition of the second boat pit of Khufu's Pyramid / 1988
Airborne asbestos concentrations during buffing, burnishing, and stripping of resilient floor tile. 1995
Alternative wastewater treatment approaches for small communities 1979
Ambient Air Measurements of Hydrogen Peroxide in the California South Coast Air Basin. 1978
Amendment to the best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F006 / 1988
An ecological assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region : a landscape atlas / 1997
An environmental assessment of the streams of Putnam County, Indiana and vicinity with special emphasis on the effects of animal feedlots / 1995
An EPA manual for organics analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry / 1979
An evaluation of asbestos management programs in 17 New Jersey schools : a case studies report : project summary / 1994
An Evaluation of strategies for promoting effective radon mitigation / 1990
An evaluation of techniques for the measurement of low concentrations of trace gases in the atmosphere / 1970
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes in coal mines and the ocean : mine disposal demonstration tests / 1985
An evaluation of the scouting activities of pest management programs / 1974
An introduction to continuous emission monitoring programs / 1983
An introduction to dynamic meteorology / 2004
An introduction to dynamic meteorology / 1992
An Inventory of brine discharges from the Pennsylvania oil and gas industry : Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources / 1987
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