Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Porter AND R)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of engineering alternatives for environmental protection from thermal discharges / 1973
Collaborative planning for wetlands and wildlife : issues and examples / 1995
COMMUTER Model v2.0 User Manual. 2005
Effects of 4-ter-Octylphenol on Xenopus tropicalis in a Long Term Exposure. 2011
Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Yield Response of Two Soybean Cultivars. 1987
Extreme weather, health, and communities : interdisciplinary engagement strategies / 2016
Handbook of surfactants 1991
International cell biology, 1976-1977 : papers presented at the first International Congress on Cell Biology, Boston, Massachusetts, 1976 1977
Making smart growth work 2002
Methods development for assessing air pollution control benefits. 1979
Methods for estimating trace metal emissions from fluidized bed incinerators using advanced air pollution control equipment / 1991
Microanatomy of cell and tissue surfaces : an atlas of scanning electron microscopy 1977
Novel Amphibian Tier 2 Testing Protocol: A 30-Week Exposure of Xenopus Tropicalis to the Antiandrogen Flutamide. 2007
Objective Reduction of the Space-Time Domain Dimensionality for Evaluating Model Performance. 2004
Performance standards for growth management 1996
Pollution abatement from cattle feedlots in northeastern Colorado and Nebraska / 1975
Procedural guidance for reviewing exposure information under RCRA Section 3019. 1986
Procedures for determination of stable elements and radionuclides in environmental samples / 1965
Procedures for measurement in stratified gases, volume II, appendices / 1974
Procedures for measurement in stratigied gases, volume I / 1974
Procedures manual for estimating emission reductions from voluntary measure and commuter choice incentive programs / 2000
Procedures manual for the COMMUTER model v2.0. 2005
Profiles in growth management : an assessment of current programs and guidelines for effective management / 1996
Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers : benthic macroinvertebrates and fish / 1989
Rapid Methods for Estimating Fission Product Concentrations in Milk. 1963
Soil survey, Scott County, Virginia. / 1951
State-of-the Art Environmental Assessment of Onshore Disposal of Manganese Nodule Rejects. 1982
Temporal Signatures of Air Quality Observations and Model Outputs: Do Time Series Decomposition Methods Capture Relevant Time Scales. 2004
The Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility's participation in interlaboratory comparisons of environmental sample analyses / 1979
The practice of sustainable development / 2000
Vehicle testing to determine feasibility of emission inspection at altitude / 1972
Vehicle Testing to Determine Feasibility of Emission Inspection at Altitude. 1972
Writer's guide and index to English 1978
Writer's guide and index to English 1972
[Interim] final guidance on administrative records for [the selection of] selecting CERCLA response actions / 1990

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