Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A natural history of the Sonoran Desert / 2000
A report on the hydrography, marine plants and fishes of the Caloosahatchee River area, Lee County, Florida / 1960
A review of the rockfishes of California (family Scorpaenidae) / 1957
A study of the limestone injection wet scrubbing process / 1971
A theoretical study of NOx absorption using aqueous alkaline and dry sorbents. 1971
Acute Toxicity of Ammonia to Fathead Minnows. 1983
Air pathway exposure model validation study at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant / 1976
Air quality modeling technical support document : Changes to the renewable fuel standard program. 2010
Air quality modeling technical support document : light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards final rule / 2010
Air quality modeling technical support document : Tier 3 motor vehicle emission and fuel standards. 2014
An analysis of low-level solid radioactive wastes from LWRs through 1975 / 1977
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT and its derivatives, DDD and DDE, in marine sediments / 1975
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT in marine sediments / 1975
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta / 1987
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta : executive summary / 1987
An Evaluation of trend detection techniques for use in water quality monitoring programs / 1989
An indirect estimation of convective boundary layer structure for use in routine dispersion models / 1984
Analysis of the Dynamics of DDT and Its Derivatives, DDD and DDE, in Marine Sediments. 1974
Anion exchange method for the determination of plutonium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1978
Anion exchange method for the determination of plutonium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1978
Annapolis wetlands inventory 1975
Annelids [by] R. Phillips Dales. 1970
Anthropogenic radionuclides in the marine environment : a selected bibliography / 2011
Aqueous geochemistry of the Magothy aquifer, Maryland / 1988
Assessment of Atmospheric Emissions from Petroleum Refining: Volume 4. Appendices C, D, and E. 1980
Assessment of selected water-quality and biological data collected in the Wichita River basin, Texas, 1996-97 2000
Assessment of selected water-quality and biological data collected in the Wichita River Basin, Texas, 1996-97 {electronic resource} / 2000
Atmospheric electric measurement results at Mauna Loa Observatory; results of a one-year continuous and simultaneous measurement of atmospheric electric variables at the Mauna Loa Geophysical Observatory, Hawaii, 1960-1961 1962
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) - derived estimates of air quality for 2014. 2018
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2013 / 2017
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2015 / 2019
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2016 / 2019
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2017 / 2020
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2018 / 2021
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2019 / 2022
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler)-derived estimates of air quality for 2009 / 2014
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler)-derived estimates of air quality for 2010 / 2014
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler)-derived estimates of air quality for 2011 / 2015
Between Pacific tides 1985
Biological Effects of Electric Fields. 1985
Biological effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields : proceedings of the eighteenth annual Hanford Life Sciences Symposium at Richland, Washington, October 16-18, 1978 / 1979
Biology and management of lobsters 1980
Biomedical applications of laminar airflow. 1973
Body-for-life : 12 weeks to mental and physical strength / 1999
Changes in Streamflow and Water Quality in Selected Nontidal Sites in the Chesapeake Bay Basin, 1985-2003. 2004
Chemical-Physical Aspects of Deep Trickling Filters. 1964
Chemistry of the atmosphere 1975
Chemistry of the atmosphere 1975
Climate Change and Global Isoprene Emissions. 1991
Climate Change and Isoprene Emissions from Vegetation. 1991
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